It only has 2304 stream processors, a nano has 4096, how does this make it the same performance?
It's not about the stream processors, or the Nano would be an easy 50MH card as my R9 290s do 30.
It seems to be a lot more about memory bandwidth, and per Genoil possibly TLB limitations even more.
Also, on the power consumption - does ANY recent card mining ETH get close to it's TDP?
IMO wait for cards in hand and REAL stats from testing/tweeking them before trying to claim which is better. 8-P
As a general rule less power = runs cooler, as long as the fan/HS setup is equally capable or very close.
Runs cooler USUALLY also means more reliable long-term, but there are a lot of variables in that - the R9 290 is NOT a cool running card but they're engineered to be tanks despite that, per many reports.