Hey everyone, we all know the vega's are crazy profitable on cryptonight whether its the 56 or 64 and their prices have skyrocketed because of that. . if you can even find one
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814105073&cm_re=vega-_-14-105-073-_-Producthttp://amzn.to/2mc42Xo Available on Amazon
My main question is who's mining with the frontiers w/ what settings and you have to be getting at least the numbers of the 64 vega which a card that at least looks cooler imo xD
At the current price of even 1000 per GPU per whattomine + factoring a minimal held coin value increase per crypto you would/could still ROI in 3 months (mainly looking at cards and if you pay $750 definitely the whole rig under 3 months per the calculation)
Pretty interesting time in crypto to say the least lol, so for those who are using these to mine could you shed some light how you maximize their performance?
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