
Topic: Americans Call for Resignation of Ambassador Noah Mamet Over Passport Denials (Read 423 times)

Activity: 3
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There are many people wondering why IRS moves to revoke passports for unpaid taxes. The IRS might probably inquire the State Department to try its authority to revoke your passport. For instance, the IRS might probably suggest revocation in case the IRS had reversed the process of certification because you have claimed to pay, and are unable to for some reason. To find out more about the question can the irs revoke my passport you need to look for this site and explore much more. The IRS will most probably also inquire the State Department to revoke your passport if you could utilize offshore activities or interests to fix your debt but decide not to do it. Before the IRS is about to send a revocation referral to the State Department, it will send you Letter 6152 inquiring you to call the IRS within 30 days to fix your account to stop this action.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Using the so called war on terror, anybody can lose their citizenship.

One guy was arrested for a fb post telling isis to use bitcoin.  Huh

So, if isis uses dollars, will they put the president of the FED in jail?

Do westerners even know that their own governments support isis?  Do the know about Operation Gladio and Operation Northwoods?  If you dont know what these are, you can not understand what is in the news now.

Bill allows government to revoke Americans? passports without charges or trial

New tool in the war on terror will give unilateral power to restrict travel to the Secretary of State.

A bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives would allow the government to restrict Americans? travel through the revocation of passports based upon mere suspicions of unscrupulous activity.  This bill represents another dangerous step forward in the war on terror and the disintegration of American due process.

H.R. 237, the ?FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization) Passport Revocation Act of 2015,? will allow the U.S. Secretary of State the unchecked authority to prohibit individuals from traveling internationally.  According to the bill, the Secretary may unilaterally revoke (or refuse to issue) a passport from ?any individual whom the Secretary has determined has aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped an organization the Secretary has designated as a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189).?

The bill did not bother to define what the terms ?aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped? actually mean, in legal terms.  The power has been left open-ended so that it can mean whatever the secretary wants it to mean.  Needless to say, a bill like this would be easily abused.

The travel restriction requires no presumption of innocence for the targeted individual; no explanation; no public presentation of evidence; no opportunity for a defense; no checks and balances on the power.  The bill does not outline any appeals process for the targeted individual.  The only stipulation is that the Secretary of State must issue a report to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs ? ?classified or unclassified.?  The bill does not state that either committee can reverse the secretary?s decisions.

H.R. 237 passed the House on July 21, 2015, on a voice vote (meaning no accountability for its Congressional supporters).  It is being sold as a necessary measure to stop ?turned Americans,? as the bill?s sponsor, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX), calls them.

?The House has now acted to locate and contain these traitors,? Rep. Poe said in a press release.  ?These Benedict Arnold traitors who have turned against America and joined the ranks of foreign radical terrorist armies should lose all rights afforded to our citizens.?

Poe?s statement about ?losing all rights? is rather startling, considering that about half of the Bill of Rights is explicitly written to protect people suspected of crimes from being abused by overzealous government!  The dangers of a government wantonly revoking the rights of citizens just because the a bureaucrat puts them on a list would be severe indeed; fitting of a police state.  Recall that these individuals can be targeted without even facing official charges of wrongdoing.

The FTO Passport Revocation Act must pass the U.S. Senate before it reaches the president.  Readers are advised to contact their senators to oppose this overreaching executive power.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
From Buzzfeed:

 in 2014 Democratic Party insiders complained privately that Noah Mamet, founder and president of Noah Mamet Associates, abused his clients and cashed in on his ties to Jim Messina to snag the Buenos Aires ambassadorship, a job he is woefully unqualified for.

This week, the Huffington Post Club alleges that Mamet leveraged his connections to the Hollywood billionaire Wasserman family and made questionable campaign contributions using family members and pseudonyms of other people during the Obama 2012 campaign

Mamet had also consulted at least one client specifically on how best to pursue an ambassadorship before ending up with one himself. A list of clients at, a link to which was removed, includes businessman Stephen Cloobeck, philanthropist Jay Snyder and City National Bank head Russell Goldsmith.

Visitor logs show that Mamet visited the White House 28 times between 2009 and 2015. On at least four of those occasions, Cloobeck, Snyder, and philanthropist Lynda Thomas accompanied him to meetings with White House officials.

At the end of 2015, after Mamet had assumed his post, U.S. embassy Vice Consul Brendan O?Brien wrote a private letter stating that an American with a current U.S. passport is not necessarily entitled to renew it and return to the United States.

American expats in Argentina question Noah Mamet's competency, and that of his subordinates Christopher Creaghe, Brendan O?Brien and Holly Wilkerson, to represent their interests.

Argentines have organized a movement demanding the removal of Noah Mamet from their country and an end to U.S. meddling in their politics. Large demonstrations demand his ouster. The English speaking press is oblivious to what is going on.

Allegations have surfaced in the Argentine media that Mamet is cooperating with Israeli intelligence services to frame ex-President Kirchner for a murder she did not commit on the eve of a hearing into back door dealings with Iran. An analysis of documents provided by Wikileaks shows that the late Alberto Nisman was taking marching orders from the U.S. embassy in a determined effort to blame Iran for the 1992 terrorist bombing of the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires.

American civil liberties experts like John Whitehead are concerned about the implications of an embassy delaying indefinitely the renewal of an American passport without any due process of law. -

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