All telegram group admins are gone, just a note from the CEO stating that that due to some "apparent" congestion from the bitcoin halving,
all withdrawals have to be manually processed and that takes time while the "AMFEIX system" gets redeveloped.
LOL : the AMFEIX wallet shows no outgoing transactions for a few days already.
How about the fact that AMFEIX requested to be removed and dissolved on 31.05.2020 from the UK companies house?
You have all been warned many times.
Lets see if the Cheerleaders and referral whores have the guts and balls to come out and apologize.
Yes you know who you are. When this is official rest assured that you will be called out
Well I tried to warn people about it few months ago in March.
If something stinks on scam, than most likely it is a scam.