
Topic: Ammon Bundy vows to defy stay-at-home orders for Easter gathering (Read 153 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Even IF Coronavirus is the problem that the media is making it out to be, what good is it to destroy our whole system of freedom just to save our lives? When we are attacked from without or from within during our moment of weakness, we still need to be able to fight. Is there a plan in place to fight? Keeping to the guidelines of the Constitution is the best way to start.

The Banality of Evil in a Time of Coronavirus

You couldn't find a better term to describe American interventionists who support the U.S. government's economic sanctions on Iran, especially given how the coronavirus is ravaging the Iranian people.

Defending the continuation of the sanctions under these dire circumstances, sanctions supporters say that the responsibility for excess deaths arising from the sanctions lies with the Iranian regime, not with the U.S. bureaucrats who are dutifully enforcing the sanctions. As soon as Iranian officials capitulate to the demands of U.S. officials or abdicate in favor of a pro-U.S. puppet regime, sanctions supporters say, the sanctions will be lifted.

I have written about this banality of evil long before the coronavirus crisis. See, for example, my articles "The Banality of Evil" (January 2018) and "America's Banality of Evil" (September 2019).

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I do not see why outlawing large gatherings should be acceptable, if each and every person admitted to that gathering work a facemask.

but going by the way the insanity of these people act
it wont be high spec masks
they wont keep their hands off the masks
they wont be staying 6feet/2metres apart
they'd probably wanna cram as many people into a room and do a moshpit music concert and rub against each other.
and then go back to their neighbourhoods and start touching all the food in all the grocery stores just to prove something.

then 2 weeks later when infection numbers rise fast. they will just say not their fault

even i had to learn to get into the routine of if im reading a badecker post while grocery shopping. i have to wait until i get home and wash my hands alot before i allow myself to facepalm badecker.

i think that is the only positive contribution badecker has made. a reminder to wash hands before touching face every time he posts
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I do not see why outlawing large gatherings should be acceptable, if each and every person admitted to that gathering work a facemask.

You mean a full hazmat suit? A face mask is not enough in a crowd of random people.

You think? Aerosol spread would be reduced by the joint probability of Mask1 x Mask2.

Not saying it's perfect.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
I do not see why outlawing large gatherings should be acceptable, if each and every person admitted to that gathering work a facemask.

You mean a full hazmat suit? A face mask is not enough in a crowd of random people.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

heck its nothing new or big deal
many protesters just walk into places and do a sit-in. chanting 'we-shall, we shall not be moved'
this is not to actually cause any change or to 'get their day in court'. this kind of act is to get some click bait and hope to gain some followers.
but your less concerned or knowledgable about what if anything changed due to it, but just wanna kiss ass and follow because he got on tv for 15 minutes

I do not see why outlawing large gatherings should be acceptable, if each and every person admitted to that gathering work a facemask.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
^^^ You forget. Ammon Bundy and his people took commandered Federal wildlife sanctuary, went to trial in Idaho, and the jury sided with him... twice, in a big way.

So, forget Bundy himself, and start to see that the people are taking their freedom back.

Wouldn't you like to be free? Maybe just a little?


commandeered federal wildlife sactuary?
sounds more like they just walked onto farmland and when told to get off, said no

i dont see any action man gangsta bank heist .. i just see what i see alot of time in the UK. where gypsies and 'travellers' just go onto property and then squat there for a few months right up until the point the court dates start approaching then make a lame excuse why they leave under their own decision

heck its nothing new or big deal
many protesters just walk into places and do a sit-in. chanting 'we-shall, we shall not be moved'
this is not to actually cause any change or to 'get their day in court'. this kind of act is to get some click bait and hope to gain some followers.
but your less concerned or knowledgable about what if anything changed due to it, but just wanna kiss ass and follow because he got on tv for 15 minutes
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ You forget. Ammon Bundy and his people took commandered Federal wildlife sanctuary, went to trial in Idaho, and the jury sided with him... twice, in a big way.

So, forget Bundy himself, and start to see that the people are taking their freedom back.

Wouldn't you like to be free? Maybe just a little?

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
here is badeckers failings yet again

first of all influencers love to tell other people what to do, but afraid to do it themselves.
its highly unlikely he would get arrested. but his sheep followers who did turn up to the location he suggests would.

when they are arrested they are changed with offenses they have been witnessed to committing.
those followers in a court room can scream as loudly as they like that they are standing as a man. that they think covid is hoax

but the charges against them are not anything to do with their gender or entity type. nothing to do with whats real or a hoax. its to do with that followers actual movements and actions.

it wont matter if something is a myth or real.
if the follower was doing something that was not allowed. he shouldnt have done it.

for instance shooting someone because you believe people are immortal and you wanted to prove it. is not an excuse that will work
demanding proof that the other person is not immortal wont help either. just the act of trying to shoot someone in of itself is an offense

also trying to turn a social protest gathering into an excuse to get into court. is bad method for the followers.
the court case is nothing about the fact or fiction of covid.

however instead of some influencer trying to get his followers locked up in prison. a smarter plan would be the influencer actually do something himself, and begin with actually researching away from the faux media. and instead at the actual science and real data.
actually go speak to ICU doctors and families of those who lost their life

trying to create no evidence theories to then promote a ploy to get other people arrested.. is just stupid.
just do some proper research
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Wonder what would happen if the government personally prohibited him from jumping off a bridge or from ingesting cyanide?

I consider myself libertarian-leaning but that just sounds like a stupid idea. There are better ways to promote and defend constitutional rights.

The Federal Government doesn't have authority to do this. A State Government will have more authority, but still not enough. It's not in their Constitutions to have this kind of authority.

The thing that might be in their Constitutions is making them clean up a mess. Why should a State be required to clean up, say, a mess from someone jumping off a bridge? Yet they are required to keep State lands in good condition, not offensive to other people.

IF Bundy has a following in Idaho that would back him in court, this might be exactly the way to prove the efficacy of CV. When he gets to court (provided they arrest him), and his trial brings out that there is an exaggerated CV pandemic story, and that we never needed any kind of lockdown stuff, he could win some $millions off the State for them messing with his personal property, himself.

Bundy probably wouldn't go for the big bucks. He doesn't really need it. But the whole court thing would bring out so much of what is going on with CV, and would determine if the State has the right to take your freedom away, that the State might not mess with him. After all, this whole thing will be done with long before many other groups get going in a big Bundy way.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
here is the stupid thing that these cultists love to do but without getting in trouble themselves

they prime their flock to act out and get angry and all meet up some place.. but the organiser doesnt turn up.
he then lets the whole cop vs protestor thing happen with people getting locked up. while he starts writing stories about breach of civil rights and how he has been forced into this situation

these cultist types are too afraid to actually just go out themselves. they prefer to get other people to do it
just like badecker want everyone else to take his chemicals. and believe his crap. so he can just say it was their own fault if things dont work out and not take the blame. or try taking the glory if  a protest does go smooth

inshort, idiot, coward. nutjob.
if you had any compassion for other people you would actually think about peoples health and not your own greed.

by promoting a mass gathering is not going to get rights restored.
your free to go out your house. but just dont force/make people come near you.

its the forcing/making people come near you that will be YOU causing your local area upping the local restrictions, fining you and maybe locking you up

YOUR action would be to blame.
jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 19
Wonder what would happen if the government personally prohibited him from jumping off a bridge or from ingesting cyanide?

I consider myself libertarian-leaning but that just sounds like a stupid idea. There are better ways to promote and defend constitutional rights.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Some state officials and seriffs are agreeing with Bundy. And for good reason. See this: "HUGE! MN Senator and Dr. Reveals HHS Document Coached Him on How to Overcount COVID-19 Cases..." -

A 'Liberty' Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

The meeting, which appeared to violate orders by Gov. Brad Little of Idaho to avoid group gatherings, was an assertion of what Mr. Bundy said was a constitutional right to peacefully assemble. But Mr. Bundy said he also hoped to create a network of people ready to come to the aid of those facing closure of their businesses or other interference from the government as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

"If it gets bad enough, and our rights are infringed upon enough, we can physically stand in defense in whatever way we need to," Mr. Bundy told the meeting. "But we hope we don't have to get there."

In a state with pockets of deep wariness about both big government and mainstream medicine, the sweeping restrictions aimed at containing the spread of the virus have run into outright rebellion in some parts of Idaho, which is facing its own worrying spike in coronavirus cases.

The opposition is coming not only from people like Mr. Bundy, whose armed takeover of the Oregon refuge with dozens of other men and women in 2016 led to a 41-day standoff, but also from some state lawmakers and a county sheriff who are calling the governor's statewide stay-at-home order an infringement on individual liberties.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Remember Ammon Bundy? He and his brother led an armed group who took over a Federal wildlife refuge in Idaho a few years ago. They laid siege for a couple of months, and finally gave up. They had two trials... by jury. The jury proclaimed them innocent at both trials. Now they are back in Idaho, trusting the people of Idaho to want to remain free from this scam lockdown.

What do you think?

Click the link to the article to see links and emphases. Also, check the PDF doc at to see how the government of Idaho is taking away the freedom of people.

Ammon Bundy vows to defy stay-at-home orders for Easter gathering

Quote from:
(CNN)Ammon Bundy, the rancher who led an armed occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, said he plans on holding an Easter gathering despite stay-at-home orders implemented during the coronavirus pandemic.

Bundy told CNN he wants to gather several hundred people in Idaho at a yet-to-be-announced location. He said he believes it's his constitutional right to assemble, even as state and local officials urge people to socially distance to avoid spreading the virus further.

"Our goal is to get enough people together and secure our rights... we are not trying to provoke, we want people to be able to worship," Bundy said in a phone interview.

Ammon Bundy makes his way from the entrance of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters in Burns, Oregon on January 6, 2016. Rob Kerr/AFP/Getty Images

Idaho is one of the 42 states that have implemented a stay-at-home order aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus. Gov. Brad Little put the order into effect on March 25 and it is due to expire on April 15, although he said Thursday he's unlikely to lift it before the end of the month.

As of Thursday evening, Idaho had at least 1,354 confirmed coronavirus cases and 24 coronavirus-related deaths, according to data from John Hopkins University.

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