I wanted to send all my BTC to one address. The app propted me, that I'm sending to my own address. I did so 4 days ago. The transaction is completed and verified 680 times. But it's "red" and not in my wallet. I tried refreshing the app and account. nothing happening...
Here is the transaction: https://blockchain.info/tx/5e9bc91c6b003cce4820c1677ea790c28da06704edca4c56dfb3d8227df7934e
Here is a Pic othe tha App:
Anyone can explain me whats wrong?
1) for high amount try to use wallet on your PC
2) you send more than 1,000$ with less than 1$ fee so risky thanks it conformed
3) from your url i see it is conformed and can’t read your png image Because can’t read languages