- you start to notice the same sites, but different projects. You don't even read what the project is about, as the pattern has already been seen many times. And this indicates a potential scam.
- you already see badly made photo of developers without links to personal profiles and just do not read further.
- you see that the meaning of the project is so shabby that the market simply does not accept the next copied idea.
- the phrase "buy in these minutes / seconds - the last chance" is no longer you are interested in and you scroll on.
- you see the hidden potential, if something attracts you. You see some kind of innovative approach. You are surprised that you have not seen this before. And only after that start to study more deeply.
I think that this is an experience.
Many ICOs do infarct have very similar websites and this is due to the fact that they buy pre-made templates. Can look for paid themes on this website which is one popular out there: https://themeforest.net/search/ico . This is why you should never base your opinion about an ICO because of their website design.
Best is when they start stating : You missed bitcoin BOOM, don't miss this one etc.