as a noob i thought you might like my insight, even though I am still new to all this I have still taken out small loans with other forum members for more than your offering, asking less in return, Now i appreceate that lenders such as your self would have to cut possible losses, and you all do it in various ways, But my main point is, What exactly would I do with a 1BTC loan? or actually a 0.5BTC loan as i would have to part with half up front. Ahh i hear you say, its to help me establish some kind of credit history with you and other forum members! good point but I do hear of people lending small amounts to get a bigger one (from other members mainly) then run off.
Please note I am in no way knocking your plan but just giveing a noob point of view, I know there are blatent scammers out there, I have seen some of the funny posts, So there must be a balance between trust and suspicion, Finding it, However, Is hard!
I am asking a lot, yes - but that's the experiment - I want to see whether risky borrowers really are more willing to pay more.