
Topic: Ancient Summerian clay tablets not very different from digital blockchains (Read 402 times)

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I had an idea for some time and did not know to whom or where to share it, I believe you guys will find it interesting and maybe will spark ideas and become a reality.

Ancient Summerian clay tablets not very different from current digital blockchains: A new medium for storing blockchain’s data.

All blockchains available today function just like the Sumerian cuneiform mud tablets did, they inscribe data on matter, the only thing that changed has been the material its written on, but as of today there are far more interesting ways of storing data, one in particular occurred to me while watching the moon and does not involve any medium to be written on, it stores information on the time light takes to reach point A to point B. It has advantages as well as disadvantages but I figured it's worth taking a look.

Light takes 1.3 seconds to travel from the moon to earth, it means that 1.3 seconds of data can be stored on the time light takes to travel, if we where to put a theoretical mirror in the moon and the earth and generate a feedback loop where the pulses of laser light are contained into this loop we have created a light speed latency based storage medium. The amount of data capable of being stored will depend on two things, one is the distance and the other the amount of data that can be injected at any given moment, so for example at a one gigabyte per second injection rate the total amount of data will be 2.6 gigabytes; 1 Gb/s x 1.3 seconds x 2. this data can only exist because of the of the latency of light and a capability of looping this light data back and fort ad infinitum, making possible the storage of information on latency possible.

So how do we implement such technology for a blockchain? The idea is to have each user behave as a mirror, no data is ever stored on any one's computer, they only behave as mirrors relaying the information received instantly to the next, an algorithm can decide which route is the most lengthy between all the users and creating possibly minutes of data which can be stored on the latency light.

Q:This raises a question or a couple, first is, what will happen when the blockchain capacity reaches it's maximum size allowed by the latency time and the injection rate?

A:Most information we have inherited as humans has been passed down in the form of feedback loops such as customs and languages, looping themselves back and fort between members of a community and kept alive by this mirror in front of mirror effect, this method ensures that is available on the spot when needed, the other information that has not been kept alive by a feedback loop has survived written on matter and it is available on big data storing centers called libraries. This system can have the best of both worlds, the feedback loop data can function as a kind of RAM where only the current block is feedback looping, making very fast transactions, as it progresses to the next block, the later can be archived on a hard disk.

Q: What will happen of this feedback loop is interrupted?

A: Data will be lost, the solution is to build user connections is series to generate time and also in parallel to create a more robust feedback loop in case a parallel loop fails.

Q: What are the advantages of using such technology?

A: The blockchain's equivalent of a computer using RAM, technically it will be a light speed linear access memory and will deliver similar results.
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