The good thing with AA is that he is never the type of dude to accept monetary payment for his own personal gains when it comes to the development of bitcoin and crypto in general. Also, HEX has disparaged their reputation without even having to pay for it, just by the words of one of the most respected and trusted community member. Ironic that they got what they wanted the other way around.
Trying to bribe someone to backed their side, unfortunately AA is not that type of guy who's willing to sell his integrity.
With such tweet, it will bring more damage to already damaged reputation of this team,
it won't be changed anymore social medias nowadays is the best place to exposed someone
and it will triggered a lot.
Good thing it was AA that they offered this BTC, let this tweets reminds those people who are still interested with this project.
Move forward and forget about it, there are still lots of good project don't waste your time and money.