I use it for daily transactions across world borders AND declare it in my taxes and you know what? no bank TX fees, no PayPal fees, it has revolutionized the way I run my business over the internet with my clients.
you do know segwits "solution" is just a empty gesture, a one time poke.
all it will result in is 7tx/s realistically if 100% of people used segwit.
basically making 2009's best possibility into a more of an expectability. but even that is not a guarantee..
yea core will try to oversell their own best possibility, and expectability for segwit, but i hope people dont treat it as gospel
only expect about 4500tx if 100% of people use it. which is the same numbers being throwing around in 2009-2010
its just a one time gesture, that has taken over a year just to even have the code. yet will take a while to even have the chance to even be utilised.
imagine it this way.
imagine in 2010 the buffer limit was 0.2mb and data bloat was 0.19mb.. where a year was wasted before some consensus roadmap came to fruition. then a year to release the code, then months/year to activate it. bringing the actual utility upto 2013. where the gesture only allowed a one time bump to upto 0.4mb IF 100% of people used that code.
history can see that 0.4mb would not have been enough for 2013 even if 100% used the 'solution'
knowing that when it actually becomes possible to use, we as a community would already be begging for more again. because the delays have surpassed the utility.
we can already see that core are preparing the next debate that we again should not PROPERLY scale onchain via independent consensus of dynamic blocks because core want to spoonfeed and control the code and decisions. they are only caring about pushing people over to altcoins(sidechains) and commercial services (LN hubs).
they want to delay real growth to self forfil a prophecy they have. if they delay growth. they can then give an empty gesture to then have the community still begging. which they then reply that growth shouldnt happen because their empty gesture didnt shut people up.
i can see they will pile on the fake exponential growth charts of suggesting the community will be begging to double blocksizes every 2 months because their empty gesture only silenced the community for a couple months, thus falsely determining that growth should not occur, because they will produce wacky, outlandish numbers of exponential growth of bloat, based on their a situation they cause themselves
i can see they will pile on the fake narrative of how their corporate/bank side chains are the solution, and we should not consider changing main net because the demand for change cant happen in their spoonfeeding 2 year timescales they set themselves. because they deem the communities couple month silence vs 2 years spoonfeeding wont fit and thus unable to feed the community what they wont. so best to not bother