How so?
I brought the price of BBQcoin upto it highest ever and got it added onto multiple exchanges and from at the time an overlooked and undervalued state.
Lots of people made money from Extremecoin profits and BBQcoin profits.
How did that make me a bad developer?
I left the development side, sold most of my main domains and then moved on for a while.
As many of your know that I was involved in the website, I whoever did not run their operating but what I did in fact find that Crypto-Stocks was wide open to attack of which could have been a major one.
In the real world, nobody can just start issuing out shares to a company that is not registered and definitely not with just a 1 Bitcoin payment and an email address.
I started out in the IT work as a user side penetration tester, and Crypto-Stocks at that time failed on pretty much every single way; their T and C were just a blank "we take no responsibility" which you cannot do if you are acting as a third party.
Since then Crypto-Stocks have improve their security to an almost acceptable level but it is their responsibility to ensure that users who have lost money, be kept informed and keep records.
As it turns out, back then they kept no records of who owned which shares, how many and from who, so I had no way of compensating individuals back, of which I would do and was trying to do but Crypto-Stocks stopped replying to my emails.
Even the Police told me that it is down to the owners of Crypto-Stocks to pay back any money lost due to negligence, of which their website was riddled with it.
At this point there is nothing I can do at the moment, as I honestly do not know who bought shares and who did not, Crypto-Stocks will just not tell me and that is probably due to the fact they don't have the records.
Every company I test, always pays out to any party that has lost out due to the testing procedure, Crypto-Stocks at the time seemed to just pass the buck and leave it all to me, with no records of anything.
In order to try and build some bridges here, I am going to try and work out some way to pay back to the community and hope that one day I can build some form of trust.
Thank you all for reading.
Posted from - #2M9WWn1yvDdeidqv