I'm pleased to announce that Bitcoin.com is launching today as an independent website geared toward the needs of bitcoin beginners.
When people hear about Bitcoin, their first visit is often to
http://bitcoin.com. They're generally looking for a basic understanding and may hope to acquire some for themselves. Veterans here know the frustration that can involve.
Our goal with the new site is to make it easy for each visitor to get their first bitcoins by highlighting a single wallet and dealer based on the visitor's geographic location. The new site is launching today with Coinbase as the featured provider. Expanded offerings for international visitors will be added in near future.
In all cases, a "fast track" home page design will provide a way to get started quickly. Links to bitcoin.org and the original client will offer an additional path forward for the adventurous.
As investors and enthusiasts, we acquired bitcoin.com at a time when the domain was empty of useful content. We hope this new site will begin to repay the investment while also accelerating adoption among new users.
Paid placements and content sharing arrangements will be sparingly considered where beneficial to visitors. Interested parties can send proposals to admin at bitcoin.com.
Thanks all,