www.bithood.io [email protected]ABOUT BITHOODBithood is a cryptocurrency exchange featuring interface for intermediate and professional traders, as well as the beginners.
The platform offers an anonymous experience to the user, which means that the user would be able to register using their e-mail without the necessity to reveal their name or go through verification tiers in order to join. That is to say, KYC and AML are not involved in the process of registration.
Easy process of registration
The lowest fees on the market
Unlimited deposits and withdrawals
New features , such as OTC trading
- OUR AIMTo give users access to coins that merit being part of a margin / lending pool.
To take the crypto exchange market to a whole new level of professionalism and reliability.
To list the top 200 coins, where each major currency will have their own pair: BTC / ETH / WAVES / EOS.
Furthermore, the deposits and withdrawals will be unlimited (x% of the total amount applicable to both deposit and withdrawal).
OTC TRADING DESKThe exchange is intended to apply Maker / Taker rules concerning fees, though the fees will be the lowest found on the market of margin trading. In addition, our exchange platform will introduce new features that have not been established on the market before, such as OTC trading.
This feature would enable people to trade cryptocurrency automatically using our OTC pool; for example, if someone would like to exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum without necessarily entering the trading field, they would be able to do it using our OTC trading feature. We will establish an anonymous chat for price negotiations.
In the process of transactions, Bithood would act as an escrow and verify whether the transactions have been completed correctly. In case of malfunctions, the accounts involved would be refunded automatically (requiring the confirmation of both parties). Whereas, the OTC feature platform is intended to act as a hybrid between P2P and centralized exchange. P2P (Particular 2 Particular) here means that we would not be offering services such as local bitcoin, but instead providing OTC between two different cryptocurrencies, for example BTC to ETH.
ADDITIONAL FEATURESTrollbox with different languages Android & iOS apps
Bithood will have a Trollbox available, offered in English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish; where each channel within the box would have its own language.
Android and iOS apps are already in the development stage, so they will be ready after the launch of Bithood exchange.
Suggest A Project Suggest Form for more exotic pairs
Bithood will offer a “Suggest A Project” section operated through system of vote. In another words, each suggested project would be reviewed and added to our project based on the criteria it matches.
Seeing as the community is critically important for us, we will also feature a “Suggest Form” for users who would like to see more “exotic” pairs of tokens in the exchange program.
KEY QUALITIESThe Bithood Team aims to build a digital asset platform based on the needs of the community. Following these needs, Anonymity, Transparency and State of Art modern interface are some of the key qualities we will offer to users through Bithood exchange.
There will be no public sales or requests for funds as we intend to create a linked system for reducing fees.
Big words often mean nothing, so the only way to gain trust is with time. We aim to always listen to our community and never stop improving; that way, we can keep providing the best experience of trading digital assets paired with unique features.
https://i.imgur.com/2cXcVMm.png , Link to Onepager presentation )
Social network:Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitHoodExchange @BithoodExchange
*We are currently under developpment, we will provide a Beta in coming weeks.
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