Buy and sell without commissions or fees, using almost any payment methods to fund your account,
from credit cards to wire transfers, WebMoney Transfer, and of course Bitcoin.
Everyday investors and larger, institutional clients can now create predictability in their transactions and lock in their costs and prices.
It’s also a sign of a maturing market, one that has become widespread enough to generate the type of contracts needed for options buying and selling.
Users that want a fast and easy experience can use the simplified version of the page, and more advanced
users can switch to the advanced view, to create their own options purchase, based on their own parameters.
or when you switch to your live account manually, and you have a great chance of testing out the platform before making any real purchases.
And the best thing about the demo account is that there are no additional limitations for selling or potential profit is unlimited, unlike in the real account.
And the biggest bonus on top of that is that, when you make any profits in your demo account, and when switching to your live account - all profits
made are going to be converted 1:100 into real USD. And with the high volatility of BTC, profits made are quickly generated.
It's that simple! Refferal bonus withdrawals are approved every 24 hours.
we have redesigned our webpage with a very pleasing light theme, to not distract you from unnecessary things when making serious decisions.
- New payment methods for credit card payments, cryptocurrencies and other third party payment services -
- Bitlevex Academy. We believe that learning about Bitcoin options trading is a significant intangible asset that allows you to trade with more wisdom and responsibility -
- Strategies - We will be offering different kinds of strategies to maximize your profit, and minimize the risk, by hedging your positions -