bitstamp-apiThe current Bitstamp API implementations in node.js work great, but they tend to throw uncaught exceptions that break your application. I am dedicated to maintaining a stable alternative that will return every possible error to a callback you provide.
Installationnpm install bitstamp-api
Usagevar Bitstamp = require('bitstamp-api');
var api = new Bitstamp();
api.transactions({time: 'minute'}, function(err, result) {
if(!err) {
} else {
FAQQ: I currently use askmike's bitstamp package, is it easy to switch to bitstamp-api?
A: Yes, just require bitstamp-api instead of bitstamp. All functions should have the same syntax as the bitstamp package.
Q: I often receive invalid nonce / invalid signature errors, how do I fix that?
A: Generate a new API key on the Bitstamp website.
GitHub Repository for writing the original bitstamp API implementation in Node.JS.