Algorithm Scrypt
Block type Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake
Coin name Blipcoin
Coin abbreviation BPCN
Address letter B
RPC port 21219
P2P port 21220
Block reward 3 coins
Block reward (PoS) 1 coins
Last PoW Block 1000
Min. stake age 70 confirmations
Max. stake age Unlimited
Coinbase maturity 22 blocks
Target spacing for POW blocks 1-5 minutes
Target timespan for POW blocks 3 minutes
Transaction confirmations 10 blocks
No Premine
No ICO <---Repository <--- ANN <--- Website <--- Discord <--- Windows QT wallet <--- Linux QT wallet <--- Mac wallet <--- Pi wallet <--- Paper wallet <--- Linux Daemon <--- Source for Windows <---Source for Linux
what is this coin for ? or just another testing project by one person team just for fun ?
Please refer to the website. What is offered is an altered experience from everyday life, purchasable through the website. Feel free to contact the administrator email to inquire further.
Each package offers a once in a lifetime experience tailored to the intended individual. The specifics of the events are not given out in full entirety to any one individual. Events are enacted by multiple individuals who are paid after the event is completed. Rewards for completing tasks in the experiences will range from cash, to crypto, to more. Smaller, world-wide events will take place allowing for users to earn BPNC for their own experience.
We keep getting asked what we offer, here it is.
We provide the spender of BPCN on our site with at least 1 full day of augmented reality. We give a person an "experience".
Instead of wearing a Virtual Reality helmet, we immerse the user with real experiences. We use people all over the world using online job ads to do certain tasks in the user's area, leave a note, a specific item, etc. It all depends on the package picked and the amount of info the user feels like putting into the "experience". We have our staff in contact with the user, by phone, email, possibly may start using discord as well, and we guide the user on his or hers experience.
We utilize people, sites, phones, tv's and more. It really depends on the amount of info the user feels comfortable giving, as well as what they checkmark on the forms. We want the experience to seem as real as possible, though we would never put anyone in any danger or close to it. Though some scenarios we have may scare the user, no harm will occur. Again, these are all dependent on the user, the info given, the package selected, and the amount of interaction the user chooses when filling out the forms.
Again, if more info is wanted, feel free to contact
[email protected] Thanks and have a great day.
Here is some feedback from the first user experience:
"I'm going to just post a little recap of the past 48 hours.
I wake up two days ago to a message on my phone. The message came as an *alert. Apparently I had been working with a research team on a project that was trying to develop a cure to covid. Something had happened at the lab causing the majority of lab workers to lose their memory.
The alert stated about half the lab workers were experiencing strange symptoms and that those not experiencing symptoms described should go meet in the park, but to maintain social distancing since we had no idea what had happened at the lab.
I go to the park in downtown, 4 people with lab coats were in the park. 2 of them looked like they immediately recognized me and came over. The other 2 walked like they had no idea where they were going. The 2 "doctors" who came up to me started talking to me as dr. blank( I don't want to put my name on here). One of them explained he hadn't lost his memory and explained what happened at the "lab".
I won't get into details, but there were some selectively placed items, people, and events that occurred that took me through a well thought out story-line that kept me excited the entire time. I also got to keep an item from the experience! I don't know if that always happens, but with the zombie theme package I picked I got a really nice knife. It is a KA-BAR with a wrapped leather handle with a brass hilt and maybe a steel butt? The sheath is leather, stitched and riveted.
I am overall really impressed and look forward to the next ones! Staking what I have now!"
When asked if he could share his experience here:
"noonhighToday at 1:05 AM
@BlipMe I don't have an account there. You have my permission to copy and paste it though.
I don't think I'll be selling anymore coins at all either. It would be ideal to have enough coins to have an experience once a month. That was like living out a story from a book. H$%l, you can copy and paste what I just said as a quote, I fully support this project. Thanks for the experience!"