
Topic: [ANN] Bonobot - Cutting edge machine learning bot (Read 169 times)

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December 25, 2019, 12:12:41 PM
A couple months ago I tried (and miserably failed) to crowdfund my bot.
I'm now really close to a V1. Before official launch I'm looking for collaborators.

  • Designer (Ideally web dev, with skills in web design, but I can handle the dev part) Paid (well, a share of the license income)
  • Community manager(s) (Ideally at least one native English speaker, I'm (obviously?) not) In exchange of free licenses.
  • Moderators In exchange of free licenses.

You can shoot me a mail: [email protected]

This very announcement is aimed to be reworked, with a neat logo and better English.

What is Bonobot ?

I spent one year trying and implement state of the art techniques of unrelated domains and apply it to trading.
I now confidently say that I'm on something hugely powerful.

To give you a gross idea, here's what the backtest on test data (ie data that the models have not seen during the training phase), gives on ETHUSD:  

So... yeah...

The trading part is usable, I'm currently finishing the GUI, adding charts, statistics, advanced reports, backtests...

Side note: Since there is few old school algo and a lot of neat AI, contrary to other bots on the market you won't have (at least for now) a lot of handle on the config parameters. For now it's limited to: bet size factor and pair (+Obvioulsy API keys of the exchange platform)

When ?

Official first release needs a logo, a website, a licensing system. Depending of the help I get on that, it can take a few days to a month, so realistically in the course of January.

How much will it cost ?

In its current state, it's not a get rich quick thing (I wouldn't be selling it if things were that simple ^^).
That said I truly believe we'll get there.
If too much people use the same best algo in the world... well... it won't be so for long.
For that reason I'll only release a very limited number of licenses, plus a limit per pair and platform.

Also, I'm confident enough to put in place a refund policy (It has to be thoroughly thought and carefully crafted. I'm working on that with a lawyer friend of mine).

The offer would go as such: $50/month for 1 pair on 1 platform + $10 per additional pair/platform.
It will give you access to
  • Updates (improvements on a weekly basis + bugfixes whenever needed)
  • Access to private Discord

It goes without saying no one will have to pay anything before everything (Usable v1, Discord, website) is in place and working !

You're in ? send me an email at [email protected] with the subject Bonobot FTW, tell me the exchange platform you'd use and the pair you want to trade.
Seats are in limited amount, first-come first-served
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