INFO:There is total of 77,777 BGC premined
50% - For Bounties Giveaways etc...
50% - For IPO
Avaliable on launch.IPO:
AVALIABLE ONLY FOR 24Hours End on 16:30 GMT +1 27.05.2014Max
38,888 BGC FOR IPO
1,000 BGC PER MEMBER * To prevent dumps pumps etc.
0.00001 BTC per BGC - Based on Market Cap + Algo + Marketing Futures
Actual Balance for IPO: 38,888 BGC1. TXID / Amount
2. TXID / Amount
3. TXID / Amount
4. TXID / Amount
5. TXID / Amount
6. TXID / Amount
7. TXID / Amount
8. TXID / Amount
How to get IPO?
Owners: [WE]We are owners of big company in Europe and each transaction gonna be veryfied with our company.
100% Security 100% Transparent Private Details!
Customer:Only TXID for proof of purchase
More informations about IPO via PM.
I'm not owner of this project!
Launch in few days
---Pools--- BGC Bounty
3. BGC Bounty
Exchanges---Mintpal [ On Launch ]
Bittrex [ On Launch ]
---Download---Linux x32Linux x64SourceWindowsAndroid [ Looking For Developer ]Mac [ Looking For Developer ]---Bounty--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------