Tuesday 11th February 2014
~Jack Welch
300 days since genesis block creation
Approx. 32,900,000 Feathercoins created
Approx. 14 days behind target generation rate
Passion without purpose turns in on itself. And passion isn't really a choice because suffering is not an option in life. Having too much of what is valuable to others has a tendency to corrupt when there is no clear direction of travel that accords with the underlying values we hold.
Our purpose at Feathercoin is to learn from the mistakes of the past so that we can have a future worth living for. It is our assumption that the reason the world got in this financial mess is because the people got lazy and outsourced their wealth to a small group who formed an industry without those underlying values and whose only purpose was to grow without any regard as to why.
We refused to understand the complexity of their financial instruments, we looked the other way while they gained huge cash sums on deposit that they had immediate access to leaving the rest of us with nothing but pixels on a screen showing numbers with nothing to support them.
Yes, we all know that if we turned up at the ATM tomorrow and tried to withdraw our hard earned cash we would soon realise the truth; that our time (the non refundable stuff) has been wasted, that all along we were working for someone else. So instead we choose denial. But denial is hard work because to stay there you have to know what the truth is; otherwise it's not denial is ignorance.
The people at the top may force us to look at history, it's our responsibility not to ignore it. Our purpose is to educate and inspire people to understand the underlying technology so that we never have to repeat this sorry episode in the human story again. You never really understand something until you own it.
Check out the neat banner by @Severino which we hope will be included on the Prostate Cancer website
Thanks must go to @Uncle_Muddy for putting in the time. He even got a response from Prostate Cancer UK who said:
That's wonderful. You can read it in full here.
See the Raffle Page here where you can claim your ticket.
Hey, how embarrassing would it be if we didn't reach our target and I had to announce that?
Target is 3,000 FTC. That's 4.45 Feathercoins for each person who read this newsletter last week on the forum. If there's anything we can do to help you open up your wallets and give to this worthy cause please let us know.
There are also more prizes as well like this Will Work for Feathercoin T-Shirt donated by @MTrisner.
Also big thanks to @Matl for donating 100 FTC for the 6th and 7th prizes. Who knows more on the way.
Let's distribute it : )
@motherlode1 aka Norman has made us proud sponsors of the Coinfest who now take Feathercoin as payment. We are planning on doing a Giveaway for anyone in Vancouver using Michael Harrison's Feathertipper who is able to meet Norman at the stall. We have had some banners made and will hopefully have some miners on show. If you are from Canada and would like to attend or help Norman out please get in contact with him. I am happy to take requests.
I am loving the Feather in the background
Right now the app is available for beta testers from the Windows Phone Website. Quoting from the site:
[It's] a simple multi-crypto currency storage tool with Live Tile support for use as a replacement for "paper wallets"
I love that it can import private keys. This is a feature that needs to be implemented in the QT Wallet as well which I have put in a request for as Paper Wallets are by far the safest method of crypto storage when done right.
@new2crypto, real name Mark, says his kids love it. He looks after their coins on his phone but rewards them for chores. His son James who is 4 has 15 FTC and Zara, 6, has her own wallet and plans to convert her FTC so she can play arcade games on their next family holiday. She is even taking an interest in the market volatility; well that's the retirement fund sorted out.
I think getting this technology in to the hands of kids is a vital part to the adoption. What are the feds going to do, lock up a bunch of a 11 year olds?
You can find last week's newsletter here: Change Before You Have To Pt1 Today special thanks go to @Ruthie for her contributions to this newsletter.
You can follow us on Twitter @Feathercoin to stay up to date.
Thank-you for your time.