http://www.LitecoinToGox.comThis is much like a baby pool. Where you would bet on the date a baby would be born, but instead of a baby we have Litecoin.
If you pick the correct date you will win a portion of the pot corresponding to how many tickets you bought out of the total tickets sold for that day.
Pick any date on the calender. Use the "Buy a Ticket" button and enter your E-mail address and Bitcoin address in the "Note to Seller" space at the bottom right of the checkout page. 1 entry only costs 0.01btc or the equivalent in alt-coins, you can buy as many entry's as you like. If you buy more than one entry for a day we will take that into account when paying out winnings for that day.
We will pool all of the coins and the winner/winners will get a percentage of the pool according to how many shares of the winning day they purchased. Ex. If the Pool is 33ltc 553wdc and 2btc and there are 5 tickets bought for the winning day. Each ticket would be entitled to 6.6ltc 110.6wdc and 0.4btc. The winner/winners may opt to have the various alt coins converted to Bitcoin for easier transfer.
If the day that MTgox implements Litecoin has no sold tickets then there will be prizes paid to the 2 days closest to the day of implementation. Ex. MTgox takes on Litecoin on September 15th but no one has bought tickets for that day. In this case anyone who bought tickets for September 14th and 16th will get a portion of the Pot.
Just so there is no calling foul later, we are informing everyone now that the house will be taking a very small percentage of the pot to pay for hosting and advertising.
http://www.LitecoinToGox.comYou can bet any of a number of crypto-currencys like Bitcoins, Litecoins, Primecoins, Feathercoins, Infinitecoins, Worldcoins, Novacoins, Namecoins, Peercoins, Terracoins, and Krugercoins.August 13th Update
Due to multiple user requests I have expanded the pool. You can now bet on either Litecoin being implemented on Mt. Gox or Litecoin being implemented on Coinbase. These are separate pools, there will be a winning day for each pool. I will also be updating this page with ALL Litecoin news so check back for the latest News.