
Topic: [ANN] [CITY]...from Infra-Red to Ultra-Violet [Telegram Channel Open] (Read 136 times)

copper member
Activity: 61
Merit: 0
Think, Re-think & Do!
Soon Smiley 5 days to Auction. You can visit
copper member
Activity: 61
Merit: 0
Think, Re-think & Do!
Hi! We made a many analysis, if you know similar project, please share with us.

Except of digital marketing engine that we use, all parts of the project are unique by different sets of feature. Tendering platform is unique by the blockchain engine at the back-end, the Encyclopaedia is unique by design and segmentation logic that allow understand technologies and their purpose by people from 10–99 years.

Project business model in general is unique by hybrid revenue - independent on crypto and blockchain technologies. We would like to use it for other blockchain project promotion and integration with common IoT technologies (already established on the common market).

For more details you can read CEO interview:

What is this project about?
We plan to develop tendering platform for smart technologies only. It will allow connect buyers with suppliers and give a possibility of rating feature.

What tasks should be done to execute project?
The main and the most difficult part is the promotion engine. We are designing an design specific Encyclopaedia that will gives us brand and content for leads generation. The second part is the front-end for clients that will be cross functionality platform Sales Performance/CRM with matching (tender-solution logic)
The third part is the blockchain engine integration. We don’t want to develop own blockchain, because we think there are much better guys for this sector.
We are analysing  other ICO blockchain solutions that we want to implement with our Sales/CRM engine.

The scope of the project is really huge, but the business engine, based of my experience does not seems to me so difficultt because it’s kind of Brokerage system that I’ve met during my carreer many times and the logic is let’s say “simple”. But the promotion part is the case. It’s not easy to make something that’s understandable to everone.

What are the problems that this project solves?
Encyclopaedia - we want to deliver to common people the necessity idea of Smart and Eco technologies for their better life comfort. It should also be helpful for student as a source for their technology related home-work.
Business – As an automated platform matching smart solution supplier with tender, we want to decrease the amount of corruption in such projects. With the rating system and connection to promotion (digital marketing) tools it shall again deliver information to masses and make difficult for politics and executives cheat during tendering.
Promotion – We are believers of crypto currencies as alternative payment methodes in the future and also believers that blockchain is young technology, but must be established in the future as the main transaction tool across all industries and sectors. There are many interesting solutions on the blockchain market, with interesting algorythms, but often they are locked in “blockchain” market. We would like to change it. We would like to promote it on physical market.

Who bring the idea od Smart City Enterprise?
Me personally. I was though o lot about. It come in my mind in the Singapore. I was shocked how perfectly city logistics works there and I started to think - how to deliver these technologies into the mass. On the beginning I thought how to differentiate myslef from other “common integration and IoT companies” and then I’ve met one artist in Kazakhstan and we thought the Design Story strategy. We started a project together to visualise difficult (IT and IoT) things by the way understandable by simple people.

Why founder of the project believed the project and start it?
There are several fundamental reasons, but shortly said: Because it’s future. Cities are overloaded (especially in Asia) and population in cities will grow. Many cities solving the logistics/transportation problems already and many will surely start soon. Cities and companies will come to the stage, when only automated solutions with own BI can manage such amount of “transactions”. Another reason is that you can hear the word “smart” everywhere. Governements support the idea and invest 4% of HDP to infrastructure development. I would like to participate (even lead). With me or without me - it anyway be the topic number one in future.

Why do you need Blockchain for this platform?
To be honest, I don’t need. I can develop it based of standard (common technologies) and invest signifficant amount of funds to keep the security. But, even that there will be gaps and possibility of interaction of human in the system. I would like to avoid it. Blockchain principle is something, that’s final and cannot be cheated. This is the most important power of this technology. I want to use it. As of now, nobody did it. Another reason is, that platform will be used by people from government and huge companies. I can use the solution as real Case Study - that Blockchain can work on real market.

Why the project is Unique?
Except of digital marketing, all parts of the project are unique by different sets of things. Tendering platform is unique by the blockchain engine at the back-end, the Encyclopaedia is unique by design and segmentation logic that allow understand technologies and their purpose by people from 10–99 years. Another unique (but not open) is the management of our company. As a first, the gamification across all processes, as a second is a unique Mission control – me, as a CEO can control every small peace of work from one dashborad. Development, Marketing, BI, Sales, Communication on just 3 monitors. It’s amazing for me - I’ve never seen such possibility in any other company before (always ther must be many people doing reports, tables, etc…) we have it automated by modern technolgies and features.

What’s the market for the project?
Initially we plan to start on the India market. Because the Smart City is a topic there. Because their infrastructure is insufficient to cover population needs and if you go deeper into problematics, you will find that the implementation possiblities there are amazing. Not in big cities, but in thousands of smaller cities. After we establish processes there, we plan acquisition to other two countries to learn the multi-country management of our systems. Once we will run multi-country, we are open to run the solution world-wide. The only market I’m afraid to succed is China. China is quiet strong by their own resources and market is too closed for international companies acquisition. The political situation there is not possitive to foreign business.

Who is doing the project?
My best of the best that I’ve met during my professional carrer. The team is international – czech, slovak, russians, belorussians, kazakhstanians, usa. My dream team covered by people I’ve managed on my previous projects and I’ve seen their results, their mindset, their enthusiastic approach. There are our internal staff, as well as freelancers, but I would like to avoid freelance to the minimum, because the risk to “loose” them is really high.

Why these people doing this project and don’t do anything else?
Well, good question. I think, that they believe on the idea of Smart Cities. They like the innovation part, they like the unique approach, they like that everyday is something new for them. Also, to be honest, probably I’am personally the one of the reasons why they work with me. I did a nice carrer, but still I stay on the ground. For example, even when I was a executive CIO in a big bank (5500+ people), I was always part of my staff. One one side, I’m process oriented, disciplined and often very strict person, but always I think about my people, their work comfort, their personal comfort. The empathy is imortant. Because without them, I am nobody. And they probably know it, feel it and follow their leader. But better to ask them this question ☺

Why this project will succeed?
Because I’ll never give up! If I will fail now, I will understand my mistakes, apply lessons learnt and create another step  and create ICO CITY 2.0, CITY 3.0
But seriously, from the project perspective: because it’s the well prepared project, the best I’ve ever did. All the plans, matrixes, calculations makes sense and logic. From the economic perspective: because only with the core products forecast I expect 140,8% profit. From the macro perspective: because all the signs tells Do it. 4% of GDP investmens, cities problems across all countries solving same issues.

When you get funding, what will happened?
The fisrt, I’ll take some off and same the team. We are working over the limits these days and we need to take some relax. I would like to organize a teambuilding for them teambuilding with families. We will relax, we will discuss plans in better conditions that in office. I have a good experience with such teambuildings. People are comfortable and open to ideas.
After, we come back again to our work routines. We will realocate to starting market, open the first office and hire more staff. Based of plans we need to hire 38 more people for the first year. Along with hiring we will adjust processes and come back to Smart City core applications development. We spent the lasy 5 months by ICO, because the funding is now the hottest case. Once we will fix it, I will allocate team that will continue management of the CITY token, but the most people will be allocated to encyclopaedia, mining robots, blockchain selection and integration and partment management (make the connection network – starting with my contacts that I’ve made when I lived in India)

What will happened if the ICO fail?
Yes, I also think about this high risk. In that case, I will have to focus for few months to get more projects by Lanast Co. (my company) to generate more profit to fund the project. We will evaluate reasons why we failed, apply lessons leart and as I said, we will do new ICO (CITY 2.0) and continue with development. It will not be my first fail in my live. It will be demotivating and hard to survive, but I’m sure that my team supports me as usual and we will take new power to restart the “new phase”. I am sure about this.

Why you need tokens? Why not funding by IPO?
As I told on the beginning, I believe that token/crypto currency will be the alternative payment method. When it happened and regulations allow that I need to be ready with existing token. It will be late start token creation after the regulation. The market will be full and I will fail. Now I think its optimal time to make it. Market seems positive, governments don’t know what to do, but there arealdy trying to do something. I expect 3-4 years for regulation and till that time, I expect to have token stabilized on the market.

How you would like to deal with CITY token?
CITY token is initially the funding tool. Three months after the crowd-sale token will be distributed to the Exchange. Later, after company will establish  sales operations, CITY token will be used as one of payment methods between contracting client-client solutions on our tendering platform and as payment method for buying the Smart City Enterprise services with exclusive discounts.

Why people should want to invest to the project?
Different people by different reasons.
Common people – because the difference of the project and idea. In amount of projects running in ICO these days this one from the first look is different.
Conservative investors – 6% of quaranteed annual revenue by our Buy-back strategy.
Speculative investors – 11/2018 token will go to exchange and during the project there are several phases that will positively impact the price and token volatility. As told we want to use our token as payment method for our services, so they can play with the price.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
What makes CITY different between other similar projects?
copper member
Activity: 61
Merit: 0
Think, Re-think & Do!
...from Infra-red to Ultra-violet

Hi! I'm Laco Vencel, I'm the owner and CEO of the company Lanast Co.,
I am the Smart City Enterprise founder, investor and head since May, 2014.

The Smart City Enterprise Project is an Enterprise Sales, Integration & Consultancy Business Network,
running based on the Unique Expression of Smart Technologies. It serves by introducing an Innovative
Approach to a cities infrastructure development and promotes Blockchain Transaction Principles between
stakeholders of Industrial Project's smart Tendering, Contracting and Delivery.

CITY token is initially the funding tool for the Smart City Enterprise Project.
Three months after the crowd-sale token will be distributed to the Exchange.
Later, after company will establish  sales operations, CITY token will be used
as payment method between contracting client-client solutions and
as payment method for buying the Smart City Enterprise services.

CITY token sale, internally known as "Sick Mind Invented Hybrid Crowd-sale" has two phases:
The first phase is the “Auction”, the second phase is the “Fixed Price Sale”.
The Auction phase is a Second-Price Dutch Auction with specific conditions described on the web-page.
The Fixed Price Sale phase is a standard capped token-sale.

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