I've been working on a slightly modified (backend) version of MPOS and I need a whole bunch of testers.
On the side note, the shares are all credited correctly and the payout is proportional (if a block is actually found with such little hash power then expect an actual payout).
Below is copied from my news section of MPOS and accurately describes how I want this pool to work.
I started this pool because I was tired of waiting for pool operators to implement features (such as a community forum <- in the works) and because of this requirement I have set upon myself, I will not be the sole developer on this pool.
What about security you ask? Won't having more developers make this pool less secure?I want this pool to be
as open as possible including allowing
selected community members of bitcointalk direct access to modify this pool. Extra security measures are being implemented (live shadow updating -- remote wallet locking -- and others) and when they are finished
the community will choose who is allowed to run this pool. Eventually, my goal is to be completely away from this pool but that is years off.
I want to make something worthwhile for the community.The community can soon propose and vote on these "Pool Moderators" in the forum section.
This is day 1 of launch and everything is working properly. Shares are credited properly and we are looking at a maximum hash rate of about 700TH/s on this server alone.
Why is this number so big you ask? This server is running on a direct fiber line to a distributed secure central processor which has made the
top 500 fastest computers on the planet for the
past 3 years (or more).
Get Mining NOW!"
If you would like to participate in this project, the website is currently hosted at
http://dormnet.hopper.pw but eventually it will move to a better, more permenant domain name if the community is even interested in this kind of pool setup.
2% Pool Fees go toward development and will eventually fund the community developers as well.
If you have read this far, please leave some feedback about what you think of this service, idea, and/or implementation.