Flerovium finance ($FLEROVIUM) is a multilayer yield farm is designed to provide new yield farming opportunities to investors over the multichain network that helps investors to bring in stable passive income by staking native tokens. Our goal is to provide safe DeFi yield farming across different blockchain networks and to provide an AMM through which users can supply liquidity to earn passive income or exchange between various assets.
The contracts have been deployed to the following addresses on Polygon Network. The code is conveniently viewable on our GitHub repo.
- MasterChef: 0x044C53F5fB9b534eE128609C67bf3017F583a805
- FLEROVIUM Token: 0xd9D50718152c650b120372276BA08d3c17aBBc56
- PreFL (Presale Token): 0x18223701C3Bc40c94617D680fF3E7AB3AE4B99e7
- Swap Contract: 0x32bc272A6B96c2c002C23D2A5B58Bc49f8d4878a
FLEROVIUM Tokenomics
- FLROVIUM Tokens Pre-minted : 80,000
- FLEROVIUM Tokens PreSale : 60,000
- Liquidity : 50% of Raised funds
- Liquidity Addition : 17th Oct, 12:30 PM GMT
- Pools Addition - 17th Oct, 2 PM GMT
- Total Supply : 2,00,000
- PreSale Supply : 60,000
- Minted for Liquidity : 20,000
- Emission Rate : 0.01 FLEROVIUM/Block