Hi, good day!
Can you please provide more information about the said project? I saw that you started selling your tokens but your website seemed to lack the important details so far. In addition, when can we expect the publishing of the project's whitepaper? I am very much curious about the project and I would like to read more about it. Lastly, I would also suggest if you could provide pictures of your team members in order to validate further the authenticity of this project, thanks!
Hey Mate,
Sorry for the lack of information this is a startup with 3 people at the moment.. we are learning as we go and hope to build on this, just going through the motions at the moment, just locked the LP wallet and getting together the whitepaper which should clear up a lot for everyone, but i would do your research first. as suggested don't buy too much at this stage as this project will take some time to kick off. just going through hours and hours of validation with all these different sites.. but for now treat it as a meme coin we are along way off getting it to where we want it.. we will be also looking at getting people onboard if it started to get traction for this to work.
Thanks for the feedback guys please keep it coming.
P.S. I've been done so many times by rugpulls!!! this is not a rugpull, those guys are the scum of the earth!!!!