
Topic: [ANN] Ethereum: Welcome to the Beginning - page 589. (Read 2006403 times)

sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
I always read Ethereum is a platform for dApps, but is there even an applicated registry like in Golem?

I'm not sure I understand your question given that Golem is working on top of the Ethereum network as you can see on this post on their blog.

Can you be more specific?
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
you got that right.  Not much news about this crypto yet. 

Feel free to check on the official subreddit. Plenty of news and interesting debates there.

Thanks for the info

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Expands Legal Industry Working Group
the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance announced the addition of more than a dozen organizations to its blockchain collaboration under the umbrella of its Legal Industry Working Group, responsible for creating enterprise-grade applications on the Ethereum blockchain. The new members include law schools, legal departments of universities, academic institutions and leading global law firms.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
you got that right.  Not much news about this crypto yet. 

Feel free to check on the official subreddit. Plenty of news and interesting debates there.

Thanks for the info
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
I always read Ethereum is a platform for dApps, but is there even an applicated registry like in Golem?
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1006
Bitstamp will start ETH trading very very soon Smiley
Ether deposits and withdrawals will open at 9.00 a.m. (UTC) on that date, with full trading functionalities commencing at 1.00 pm (UTC) .
FREE TRADING will be available on these pairs until 1 October, with other generous discounts to follow until the end of the year!
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1021
2009 Alea iacta est
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
"" is in a roadmap or is it an outside project?

Here is the link to the thread talking about this topic on the official subreddit. You will see that Plasma is a way for the Ethereum network to scale using sidechains of smart contracts.

So I will answer your question saying that it's an outside (more or less - given that one of the devs is Vitalik) project designed to reached one of the goals on the roadmap (which is scalability).
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
you got that right.  Not much news about this crypto yet. 

Feel free to check on the official subreddit. Plenty of news and interesting debates there.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
Looks like the forum on is pretty much useless. I asked some things but no answer at all. So I will try here again.

It looks like Mist is unuseable for me. I can't let it run all the time. Doesn't make sense.

1.) I tried to use the fast flag but it looks like I can't use it on windows in the newer versions. Is that correct?
2.) I use Mist because it is the official wallet and should have the full capability with smart contracts and so on. Is there a safe alternative that have all the full functionality like mist has? has his own risks I guess. Parity lately showed broken multisig contracts, which is bad since I would use that. So can you suggest a wallet I search for?
3.) I want to accept ETH payments. Each investor should receive his own ether address which is rather complicated with the mist wallet, for example. I would need to have a connection ETH-Investment address and user. Any suggestion on that?

Thank you!

Hi SebastianJu.

1) Normally the fast flag should work but I think there are some prerequisites:
     - you shouldn't have started downloading the chaindata yet
     - you may have to first run geth using cmd
You should find a step-by-step workaround here.

2) I've heard MEW, Parity and Jaxx are the most common alternatives to Mist out there (I personally use Mist). I don't think there is any problem using Parity if you want to, given that you don't use multisig wallets that often and that the sloppy code on Parity's multisig wallet contract has been repaired.
Please note that unlike Parity and Mist, MEW is an online wallet which you should have noticed given that you're talking about some "risks". That also mean that you won't have to run a node which means that you won't have any problem downloading chaindata if you don't have a good internet connection and an SSD but also means that you won't run a node (obviously) which is that less help for the network.
In any case, don't forget to save at least an UTC/JSON copy of your private key on some cold storage you own to prevent any ETH loss.
Finally don't forget to check that you're accessing the website of the wallet of your choice using the right URL: there's plenty of fishing attempts out there (especially for MEW).

3) If I recall correctly, you already asked for something like this some time ago (you wanted to create multiples addresses in a row). Now that I see you slightly changed your question, I understand that you gave up on your previous idea. I still don't see why all your investors can't manage to create their address themselves but that should be part of your business plan Wink
Anyway, ENS ledger is designed to make a link between a human-readable address and an ETH account. You may wan't to create an ENS domain name for each of your investors ?

Please note that if you wan't some answers to your questions to come, I think the Ethereum official subreddit is the right place to go.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
you got that right.  Not much news about this crypto yet. 
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
Looks like the forum on is pretty much useless. I asked some things but no answer at all. So I will try here again.

It looks like Mist is unuseable for me. I can't let it run all the time. Doesn't make sense.

1.) I tried to use the fast flag but it looks like I can't use it on windows in the newer versions. Is that correct?
2.) I use Mist because it is the official wallet and should have the full capability with smart contracts and so on. Is there a safe alternative that have all the full functionality like mist has? has his own risks I guess. Parity lately showed broken multisig contracts, which is bad since I would use that. So can you suggest a wallet I search for?
3.) I want to accept ETH payments. Each investor should receive his own ether address which is rather complicated with the mist wallet, for example. I would need to have a connection ETH-Investment address and user. Any suggestion on that?

Thank you!
full member
Activity: 363
Merit: 100
"" is in a roadmap or is it an outside project?
if it solves problems with scaling and the speed of transactions in the load, then the air will come to a new level.
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 252
There are currently many cryptocurrencies based on PoS (Proof of Stake). All these PoS algorithms differ from each other. Some or maybe all of them (I don't know) implement some kind of random election of nodes who participate in the "bookkeeping-process"/"block-forging-process" via having some amount of stake.

How can a random election work in an trustless decentralized environment? Mr. Vitalik claims that he found a solution. Is there anything published so far that there is a solution to this or how do other PoS cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies that do random election in a decentralized environment realize this in a working and fair way?

NEO is the new ETH

I said it first on this board when NEO (then antshares) was only a dollar:
What underlies that NEO is a new ETH.can not be equated with ETH which has many benefits including smart contact,,while NEOs have not been tested like ETHs that have been successful , i think you are wrong in equating NEO with ETH
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
A Q&A giving recent update on Ethereum roadmap here + some of Vitalik's thinkings on NEO (to fuel the whole NEO/ETH conversation up there).
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 255
The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), a cross-industry collaborative blockchain consortium aiming to leverage open-source Ethereum technology for enterprise solutions has announced the launch of its ‘Legal Industry Working Group’.
Activity: 96
Merit: 10
JP Morgan has announced its second entrant into the blockchain fray, this time utilizing the smart contract enabled ethereum blockchain in creating a system called Quorum. Meant to lead to further collaboration, the company is allowing outside developers to tinker with it via an SDK as well as seeking partners from within the financial sector.
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
I just noticed there was a massive flash crash on Polo today. I totally missed that. That must have been a dump of ETH worth a couple thousand BTC. Anybody had the right buy orders in place?   

I believe there will have more massive flash crashes again. Tighten your seat belt up. If you want to game it, try to put some very low buy orders there.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 255
Ethereum + Lightning? Buterin and Poon Unveil 'Plasma' Scaling Plan
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1075
Decide yourselves what is the real Bitcoin after reading this and more please.
sr. member
Activity: 1009
Merit: 261
I just noticed there was a massive flash crash on Polo today. I totally missed that. That must have been a dump of ETH worth a couple thousand BTC. Anybody had the right buy orders in place?   
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