
Topic: [ANN] Ethereum: Welcome to the Beginning - page 592. (Read 2006403 times)

hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 552
Buterin delivered an accessible overview of cyrptoeconomics, which he defines as the fusion of cryptography and economic incentives to achieve information security goals. Buterin comes off as a brilliant, likable guy, in part because of his ability to distill complex concepts with ease and levity (for example, he refers to zero knowledge proofs as “spooky advanced stuff”). He also doesn’t seem driven by ego or wealth, despite the increasing number of applications that are built on the Ethereum protocol.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
mist wallet momentarily is syncing so slow that I get a block synched every new block that gets found in the network. I will never go further than the 25K spread I guess.  Roll Eyes

No solution there?

Hey SebastianJu.

If you have a slow internet connection and an HDD, it's only normal syncing become slower and slower given that the number of transactions by block and therefore the blocksize is getting bigger with time (see on Etherscan). Moreover, when using Mist, you're setting an Ethereum node which is good for the network but means that from time to time your blockchain copy will be partly downloaded by someone else (like when you're using any P2P software) which means random reading access to your disk which, again, is not working that good with HDDs.

To give you an example, I have a fiber connection to the Internet and a 7200 rpm HDD and I have to wait for roughly 2 days to catch up the blockchain after a 4 days deconnection.

So if you have some troubles catching up, I can only advise you to buy an SSD or to use some online wallet of your own choice.

Hi Fargusson,

it's the official wallet. And I know there are a lot of noobs that used mist to receive funds and then realize that they can not spend it. Searching for a solution about it.

It might be the HDD, I run it on a hybrid disc. The problem is not the CPU, it's using 11% only.

Question remains... how is it possible that mist is using the harddisc to heavily? I mean it doesn't write tenth of GB on the disk of blocks in the chain. It's calculating something or so. Even though geth already uses nearly 4 GB of RAM. So this sounds like a highly inefficient calculation routine or something in that area.


PS: Is there a safe vanitygen Creator for ethereum accounts?
PSS: In case I would like to create 1000 ethereum accounts automatically to give every investor his personal investment address, which wallet can do that and in a safe way?

Yeah. I know this slow sync problem with Mist is a bummer. I think there is a way to fast sync using a cmd option while setting a new installation from the scratch but I didn't tried it yet and it's becoming useless as when you just need to catch up from a two weeks holidays with your computer off.

It's probably the HDD. Mist, or any wallet which stores the chain data on your computer will be using a LOT your HDD because it needs not only to download the chaindata but also to share it with all the networks (or at least with the peers that are connected with you) in a way to reach consensus. It's really like if you were downloading the blockchain from eMule basically. So you will have many reading/writing access at more or less random location of your HDD which is hard to get with mechanical pieces.

As I said before, it will become harder and harder with the adoption going and the blocksize and blockchain size growing. Until we get a sharding blockchain (when there may be a way to set Mist to light node mode), you should probably get an online wallet or be prepared to wait for quite a long time and let your computer on most of the time.

Partial answer to your PS: I never heard of a way to make a routine to create multiple wallets. I don't think it exists because it means that you will have to save a log of all the passwords that encrypt the each private keys somewhere which look like an unsafe thing to do. If there is not some API of some sort you can use, I will use MEW (the real one, not the phishing attempts) and create the wallets manually (given that your investors don't mind the fact that you'll know their private key).
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
mist wallet momentarily is syncing so slow that I get a block synched every new block that gets found in the network. I will never go further than the 25K spread I guess.  Roll Eyes

No solution there?

Hey SebastianJu.

If you have a slow internet connection and an HDD, it's only normal syncing become slower and slower given that the number of transactions by block and therefore the blocksize is getting bigger with time (see on Etherscan). Moreover, when using Mist, you're setting an Ethereum node which is good for the network but means that from time to time your blockchain copy will be partly downloaded by someone else (like when you're using any P2P software) which means random reading access to your disk which, again, is not working that good with HDDs.

To give you an example, I have a fiber connection to the Internet and a 7200 rpm HDD and I have to wait for roughly 2 days to catch up the blockchain after a 4 days deconnection.

So if you have some troubles catching up, I can only advise you to buy an SSD or to use some online wallet of your own choice.

Hi Fargusson,

it's the official wallet. And I know there are a lot of noobs that used mist to receive funds and then realize that they can not spend it. Searching for a solution about it.

It might be the HDD, I run it on a hybrid disc. The problem is not the CPU, it's using 11% only.

Question remains... how is it possible that mist is using the harddisc to heavily? I mean it doesn't write tenth of GB on the disk of blocks in the chain. It's calculating something or so. Even though geth already uses nearly 4 GB of RAM. So this sounds like a highly inefficient calculation routine or something in that area.


PS: Is there a safe vanitygen Creator for ethereum accounts?
PSS: In case I would like to create 1000 ethereum accounts automatically to give every investor his personal investment address, which wallet can do that and in a safe way?
Activity: 1164
Merit: 1010
ETH is about to overtake Bitcoin, the daily volumes are insane, and the platform is growing exponentially with all these ICO's.

We are going to the moon!

So many project ico partners with ETH to create token
I believe the price will be increase

Etheroll had its first quarterly payout to token holders today! A whopping 1419 Eth for the ROL token holders Cheesy Cheesy
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
ETH is about to overtake Bitcoin, the daily volumes are insane, and the platform is growing exponentially with all these ICO's.

We are going to the moon!

So many project ico partners with ETH to create token
I believe the price will be increase
sr. member
Activity: 714
Merit: 251
ETH is about to overtake Bitcoin, the daily volumes are insane, and the platform is growing exponentially with all these ICO's.

We are going to the moon!
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Hey all

So I got my first few Strat yezterday and I went and bought some more StratEther planets... There kinda cool anyways has anyone got any of them or the suns?  I'm thinking about getting a sun but not sure
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 255
Protostarr Allows Investors to Support Rising YouTube and Twitch Stars through Ethereum Smart Contracts
full member
Activity: 160
Merit: 100
 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

HP to Join the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance

Going forward, Ogurek expects to keep up this momentum, aiming to formally announce the company's membership in the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance as soon as September.

 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
mist wallet momentarily is syncing so slow that I get a block synched every new block that gets found in the network. I will never go further than the 25K spread I guess.  Roll Eyes

No solution there?

Hey SebastianJu.

If you have a slow internet connection and an HDD, it's only normal syncing become slower and slower given that the number of transactions by block and therefore the blocksize is getting bigger with time (see on Etherscan). Moreover, when using Mist, you're setting an Ethereum node which is good for the network but means that from time to time your blockchain copy will be partly downloaded by someone else (like when you're using any P2P software) which means random reading access to your disk which, again, is not working that good with HDDs.

To give you an example, I have a fiber connection to the Internet and a 7200 rpm HDD and I have to wait for roughly 2 days to catch up the blockchain after a 4 days deconnection.

So if you have some troubles catching up, I can only advise you to buy an SSD or to use some online wallet of your own choice.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
mist wallet momentarily is syncing so slow that I get a block synched every new block that gets found in the network. I will never go further than the 25K spread I guess.  Roll Eyes

No solution there?
hero member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 513
i have only 2.5 but i hope eth to 1k eur  Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Mummy! I've got a domain name now! fargusson.eth
Is there any way to check etherdelta trade history

like past week trading i have done, its not showing on website

It would be nice, but no, there's no way that I know of. One of the down sides of a decentralized exchange :/

Have you tried to check the Etherdelta's smart contract on Etherscan ?

Should take you some time to dig up what you're looking for but still...
Activity: 1164
Merit: 1010
Is there any way to check etherdelta trade history

like past week trading i have done, its not showing on website

It would be nice, but no, there's no way that I know of. One of the down sides of a decentralized exchange :/
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
Is there any way to check etherdelta trade history

like past week trading i have done, its not showing on website
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500

I sent to poloniex they have not paid me yet
what should I do
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
The title of this 737 pages topic is "Ethereum : Welcome to the begining".

But the Ethereum price since weeks is falling hard and project is quite in standby... and Ethereum is still the bugged crypto in the people mind.

Is it not time to rename this topic in "Ethereum : Welcome to the end" ?
You are so original. Read through this fucking thread.
On each single page is the same shit: rename blah blah blah to the end...

Ethereum is the name of crypto today, not Bitcoin.
That is why it has its current market cap and growing.

There is no single idiot trying to copy Bitcoin, every new grand project tries to imitate Eth.
They are so dumb...
hero member
Activity: 1988
Merit: 593
Dash, zec, eth and cash always will probably cost the same, you have to sell from them what is more expensive and buy something that is cheaper
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
The Ethereum network and its Smart Contract system, is another step in decentralized interactions, opening up a world of possibilities. It is this world of decentralized apps (dApps) that BlockCAT wants to bring to an all-access marketplace.
DApps are just starting to take hold as developers experiment and discover new and innovative uses for these self-executing, trustless contracts.
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 552
Sharding May Be Coming to Ethereum Sooner Than Expected

It is good to see the Ethereum team provide a long-awaited update on the future of sharding. Making Ethereum scale is of the utmost importance since the network suffers from quite a few issues that need addressing. This, however, is much easier said than done. Sharding may be the best solution for Ethereum in its current state, although it may take a lot of time until we see the real benefits of this technology.
This is a pretty big development for all Ethereum supporters.
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