
Topic: [ANN] Ethereum: Welcome to the Beginning - page 618. (Read 2006403 times)

hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 553
can't the ETH code be changed by the devs?
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
I try to synchronize my ethereum wallet mist and lately it is very slow. I see these log entries.
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:14.956] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mChecking for new client binaries config from:
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.267] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mNo "skippedNodeVersion.json" found.
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.270] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mInitializing...
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.271] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mResolving platform...
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.272] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mCalculating possible clients...
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.274] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39m1 possible clients.
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.275] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mVerifying status of all 1 possible clients...
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:15.277] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mVerify Geth status ...
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:16.366] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mChecking for Geth sanity check ...
←[32m[2017-06-15 02:21:16.367] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - ←[39mChecking sanity for Geth ...

Can someone please explain why there is only 1 possible client in that json file? I'm using the most recent version of the wallet and geth.
Activity: 1164
Merit: 1010
Bancor ICO unveils new problems with the Ethereum network

Absolutely misleading title. None of those issues were "new", nor were they specific to only the Ethereum network. Any network that suddenly sees 10x+ normal transaction volume in such a space is going to hiccup. We all know what's been happening to btc lately. And people buying more shares than they should because of sending the payment multiple times...I mean, that's not an issue with Ethereum network. That's an issue with the investor. fomo
full member
Activity: 532
Merit: 100
Brilliant ideas are getting more and more and implemented on alt coin technology, among them is ethereum. Good luck and continue to produce new technologies and innovations to altcoin and business more advanced again. Grin
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1080
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I got some really nice profit at my ETH and im going to HOLD to the moon!

My investments:
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1021
2009 Alea iacta est
Bancor ICO unveils new problems with the Ethereum network
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
I had a similar problem. You can fake this with using linked directories.

I created a batchfile Start_Ethereum.bat with this content:

cd C:\Users\[MyUsername]\AppData\Roaming
mklink /D Mist "Z:\Ethereum Wallet\_datadir\Mist"
mklink /D Ethereum "Z:\Ethereum Wallet\_datadir\Ethereum"
mklink /D "Ethereum Wallet" "Z:\Ethereum Wallet\_datadir\Ethereum Wallet"

start "" "Z:\Ethereum Wallet\Ethereum Wallet.exe"

ping -n 20 > nul

Like you can see in the paths I have all files on an external drive. Because the wallet would create the directories on drive C: one has to create dir's on there that link to the paths on the external drive. Nothing is stored on drive C: anymore I think.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Hello everyone,

I am glad having bought some ethereum when they were not as expensive though the amount of space that the blockchain needs makes me headaches. I need to move it fast in order to prevent damage to files because of no space for writing to the harddisc.

I use win 7 pro so I use the appropriate download from github. I have read that in order to move the chainfiles I need to use --datadir. Though it is claimed that it only works when starting geth.exe upfront with the flag. The only problem is, there is no geth.exe anywhere to be found.

So how can I move the big folders?

Also someone wrote that the installer fixes this by allowing one to chose the paths. Though the installer did not ask me at all where to install.

Can someone help?

Thank you!
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
Selling PresidentPutin.eth

^ planned to hold onto this for the longrun, but have certain life circumstances popping up.

PM me if interested, after vitalik met putin this is probably one of the best end names.
full member
Activity: 320
Merit: 101
Mai bine mort,decat asa de viu! *TM
Hello,i got the latest ethereum wallet version and geth v1.6.5 and i`m waiting for 3 hours now for peers,still nothing ..
full member
Activity: 149
Merit: 100

Better rate than Poloniex

But the ETH is rising fast than the BTC?

Yeah in my opinion it doesn't make sense to sell ETH now, its still riding a nice wave of popularity and has become the dominant coin for ICO investments which lock up loads of coins off the market.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 506
Ethereum Inventor Vitalik Buterin Meets Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Vitalik Buterin had a “brief conversation” with Vladimir Putin “at the end of a private CEO meeting,” according to a public statement by Ethereum’s inventor who confirmed he spoke to the Russian President in what is likely the highest level meeting for this space.
According to Russia’s Press Secretary, after communication with CEOs of the largest corporations, the Russian president briefly communicated with the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, who spoke about the possible use of blockchain technologies in the Russian Federation. The Russian president has supported the idea of establishing business contacts with possible Russian partners, the press secretary said. More

When seeing what Russia did during US and French election, it wouldn't be surprising this country start to accumulate deep knowledge on internet matters.
Do you think they can start soon a war on the network? Will Putin try again to rule the world?

Stop reading Fakenews man - i.e. the MSM. Seriously, how dumb can you be.
full member
Activity: 320
Merit: 101
Mai bine mort,decat asa de viu! *TM
Hello,i got the latest ethereum wallet version and geth v1.6.5 and i`m waiting for 3 hours now for peers,still nothing ..
hero member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 540 - Crypto Sportsbook

Better rate than Poloniex

But the ETH is rising fast than the BTC?
Activity: 3431
Merit: 1233

No need to take it serious now it's out of control for any Government to regulate this. Bank will disappear from the scene after few years that is the reason they have so many doubt about their future.

ETHf is a centralized bank coin with unlimited supply. Bitcoin is the only currency banks care about. ETHf will disappear when banks disappear. It can easily be killed by banks. Banks pump it to distract noobs from bitcoin.

Wow! So I probably should dump my ETH holdings ASAP and buy what? ETC? LOL!

If you need fuel for smart contracts, yes. You should dump ETHf and buy ETHc.
If you need a pump-and-dump coin to play with you should stick with bank coins like ETHf and XRP. Banks will continue to pump them both. They hope that when ETHf market cap gets bigger than bitcoin market cap that will change something.
Activity: 1321
Merit: 1007

Better rate than Poloniex
full member
Activity: 174
Merit: 100
A Coin A Day Keeps The Cold Away.

No need to take it serious now it's out of control for any Government to regulate this. Bank will disappear from the scene after few years that is the reason they have so many doubt about their future.

ETHf is a centralized bank coin with unlimited supply. Bitcoin is the only currency banks care about. ETHf will disappear when banks disappear. It can easily be killed by banks. Banks pump it to distract noobs from bitcoin.

Wow! So I probably should dump my ETH holdings ASAP and buy what? ETC? LOL!

Activity: 1164
Merit: 1010
Ethereum have still some big update in next few months?

Yes, next big update, Metropolis, is set to be released soon.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Ethereum have still some big update in next few months?
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