
Topic: [ANN] Ethereum: Welcome to the Beginning - page 654. (Read 2006403 times)

Activity: 1554
Merit: 1014
Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC
The price will settle at $5 after the fake news

Hold your horses, etc boy! You're only halfway there.
what do you see the stable price for eth is?

My buy target is 0.022, but we'll probably see some more turbulence before that.
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 639
*Brute force will solve any Bitcoin problem*
Microlocker 10 is demanding more physical RAM to unlock my Ethereum wallet/node, WTF.

ETH 2.0 inkoming this is not sustainable ETC is the best bet my friend! :-D
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 639
*Brute force will solve any Bitcoin problem*
The price will settle at $5 after the fake news

ETH scammers who issue ETH tokens are going to get rekt just look at MLN an epic scam with arrogant "devs" zero mining zero ANYTHING backing them up where do these people come from? :-D ~*~ETC~*~ is the real ethereum!!! lols
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
640kb should be enough for anybody!
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1075
woaaa was that a fat finger?lol
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Microlocker 10 is demanding more physical RAM to unlock my Ethereum wallet/node, WTF. OK I'll just trade some ETH for a few sticks of... oh wait.
sr. member
Activity: 632
Merit: 250
The price will settle at $5 after the fake news

Hold your horses, etc boy! You're only halfway there.
what do you see the stable price for eth is?
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1014
Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC
The price will settle at $5 after the fake news

Hold your horses, etc boy! You're only halfway there.
sr. member
Activity: 436
Merit: 250
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!

I've just bought few ETH when it hit $43 Smiley
I wouldn't wait for it to dip more, more dapp for eth later. EDGEless is just one of the best token ever I got this time. It seem to have grown so much right after the ICO. I have no doubt ETH will soon be more than $60 maybe in few weeks.
Maybe, the price looks a little dumpish right now, I want to wait a little before looking within the charts again..
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1041

I've just bought few ETH when it hit $43 Smiley
I wouldn't wait for it to dip more, more dapp for eth later. EDGEless is just one of the best token ever I got this time. It seem to have grown so much right after the ICO. I have no doubt ETH will soon be more than $60 maybe in few weeks.
sr. member
Activity: 826
Merit: 254
Good luck.
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1075
Even the other altcoins like ripple work on connecting ethereum, it is good news and innovations between ethereum and ripple, ethereum is the future of digital currency and sometime will become innovations in remittance business, for the detail visit the link, happy reading.
Ripple working on connecting Ethereum with Ripple via ILP: #ripple #news

One centralized coin connecting to another centralized coin. Future looks great!

dude i hope you got in XRP when i told you too lol...
Activity: 3431
Merit: 1233
Even the other altcoins like ripple work on connecting ethereum, it is good news and innovations between ethereum and ripple, ethereum is the future of digital currency and sometime will become innovations in remittance business, for the detail visit the link, happy reading.
Ripple working on connecting Ethereum with Ripple via ILP: #ripple #news

One centralized coin connecting to another centralized coin. Future looks great!
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Ripple should be stricken from coinmarketcap, it's the bastard child of fiat currency.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
Even the other altcoins like ripple work on connecting ethereum, it is good news and innovations between ethereum and ripple, ethereum is the future of digital currency and sometime will become innovations in remittance business, for the detail visit the link, happy reading.
Ripple working on connecting Ethereum with Ripple via ILP: #ripple #news

Fake news from the coins with billions in supply
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Even the other altcoins like ripple work on connecting ethereum, it is good news and innovations between ethereum and ripple, ethereum is the future of digital currency and sometime will become innovations in remittance business, for the detail visit the link, happy reading.
Ripple working on connecting Ethereum with Ripple via ILP: #ripple #news
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1014
Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC
nice update eth...

hope going to the moon  Grin Grin Grin
No. Ethereum Classic will go to the moon (etc) not ethereum(eth) flippening will happen soon because of the grewscale ethereum classic fund (etc). You can already see it happening.

As Ethereum isn't primarily digital cash, as Bitcoin is, a fund will not have the same significance. For a smart contract platform development and innovation is more important. I'm sure Shillbert can orchestrate a pump, but there will be no flippening.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
Ethereum Update 7th April 2017
Accepting loves @0xC3404FECcaB8362AF3A27Df23b8563EF12535Ed1
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Looks like vitalik has matured a lot and is cooing funky shit in his laboratory, perhaps modifying casper code to bring things to the level of perfection. Vitalik needs to get some meal to be able to sit behind laptop for longer than 2 hours and not get fainted because of lack of oxygen. Te is too fucking weak for the time being and cant roll everything out as fast as u may wish. What bothers me is LTC pump, what bitches in their right mind would ever look at that garbage. XRP is even worse, go to polo and see how this fucking corporate scam performs on fake 166K btc volume.

Dont worry 'bout it.
Ripple and Litecoin are just temp. pump&dumps.

Litecoin is only going up because of SegWit, not because of Litecoin itself. Its a dead coin. No innovation, no added value. Its a old coin that is slowly dieing. When this SegWit hype is over litecoin will be dead once again. Other altcoins already have SegWit, and there are lots of bugs in SegWit. Now everyone is acting like Litecoin is the first crypto with SegWit ever. Big Fake Pump.

I am not even going to start about that pile of shit called ripple. Forget about that one.

Looks like Ethereum Classic has a healty growth, no pump & dump. Just nice and steady, exactly what hodlers like me want. No crazy shit. Fundamentals are also great. I think that ETC has a lot more potential than the 2 buks that people want to sell it for rightnow. Buy ETC now before it moons. ETC discount days are numbered.  Smiley

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