EthXEth is an innovative investment protocol that is based on the Ethereum smart contracts that give various anonymous parties an opportunity to carry out trustful transactions and agreements without any central authority or external management mechanism.
The contracts make all transactions traceable, transparent and irreversible.
How does it work? Our project works on the basis of the Ethereum smart contract, that’s why there is no need for you to register your personal account on the web-site. All you need is to send minimum 0.01 ETH to the Ethereum smart contract address.
The smart contract remembers your wallet address and the deposit amount. After that you will be able to send a payment request of 3.25% of your deposit amount once in 5900 blocks that’s equal 24 hours.
All funds are shared and distributed according to the scheme: 90% are for payments, 10% are for promotion.
Contract Earnings Scalability enabled – GAIN PER 24 HOURS:
* — Contract balance << 200 Ether: 3,25 %
* — Contract balance >= 200 Ether: 3.50 %
* — Contract balance >= 400 Ether: 3.75 %
* — Contract balance >= 600 Ether: 4.00 %
* — Contract balance >= 800 Ether: 4.25 %
* — Contract balance >= 1000 Ether: 4.50 %
Is the contract safe?The smart contract is loaded into the Ethereum blockchain with the “relinquishment of ownership” function activated. That means no one else does not have access to it with the ability to influence its autonomous operation.
Although the contract code is open for everyone who wants to check the integrity of the contract, it can’t be changed or erased. A smart contract creator can’t have any impact on the process and doesn’t have an opportunity to take the coins.
Technology smart contract revealed to humanity the ability to build a trusting relationship without involving a third party. This gives new, previously unthinkable opportunities in the field of Finance. Our automated model for the distribution of ETH cryptocurrency is registered in a smart contract and loaded into the Ethereum blockchain with the activated “refusal of ownership” function and now no one can affect its eternal autonomous code.
EthXEth Code:
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* Web -
* Twitter -
* Telegram -
* -- Contract balance << 200 Ether: 3,25 %
* -- Contract balance >= 200 Ether: 3.50 %
* -- Contract balance >= 400 Ether: 3.75 %
* -- Contract balance >= 600 Ether: 4.00 %
* -- Contract balance >= 800 Ether: 4.25 %
* -- Contract balance >= 1000 Ether: 4.50 %
* - Life-long payments
* - The revolutionary reliability
* - Minimal contribution 0.01 eth
* - Currency and payment - ETH
* - Contribution allocation schemes:
* -- 90% payments
* -- 10% Marketing + Operating Expenses
* ---How to use:
* 1. Send from ETH wallet to the smart contract address
* any amount from 0.01 ETH.
* 2. Verify your transaction in the history of your application or, specifying the address
* of your wallet.
* 3. Claim your profit by sending 0 ETH transaction (every day, every week, i don't care unless you're
* spending too much on GAS)
* You can check the payments on the site, in the "Internal Txns" tab of your wallet.
* ---It is not allowed to transfer from exchanges, only from your personal ETH wallet, for which you
* have private keys.
* Contracts reviewed and approved by pros!
* Main contract - EthXEth. Scroll down to find it.
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
library Percent {
struct percent {
uint num;
uint den;
function mul(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
return a*p.num/p.den;
function div(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
return a/p.num*p.den;
function sub(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
uint b = mul(p, a);
if (b >= a) return 0;
return a - b;
function add(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
return a + mul(p, a);
contract EthXEth{
using SafeMath for uint;
using Percent for Percent.percent;
// array containing information about beneficiaries
mapping (address => uint) public balances;
//array containing information about the time of payment
mapping (address => uint) public time;
//The marks of the balance on the contract after which the percentage of payments will change
uint step1 = 200;
uint step2 = 400;
uint step3 = 600;
uint step4 = 800;
uint step5 = 1000;
//the time through which dividends will be paid
uint dividendsTime = 1 days;
event NewInvestor(address indexed investor, uint deposit);
event PayOffDividends(address indexed investor, uint value);
event NewDeposit(address indexed investor, uint value);
uint public allDeposits;
uint public allPercents;
uint public allBeneficiaries;
uint public lastPayment;
uint public constant minInvesment = 10 finney;
address public commissionAddr = 0xead85d8ff7d6bc58e8f0fdf91999c35949375f1a;
Percent.percent private m_adminPercent = Percent.percent(10, 100);
* The modifier checking the positive balance of the beneficiary
modifier isIssetRecepient(){
require(balances[msg.sender] > 0, "Deposit not found");
* modifier checking the next payout time
modifier timeCheck(){
require(now >= time[msg.sender].add(dividendsTime), "Too fast payout request. The time of payment has not yet come");
function getDepositMultiplier()public view returns(uint){
uint percent = getPercent();
uint rate = balances[msg.sender].mul(percent).div(10000);
uint depositMultiplier = now.sub(time[msg.sender]).div(dividendsTime);
function receivePayment()isIssetRecepient timeCheck private{
uint depositMultiplier = getDepositMultiplier();
time[msg.sender] = now;
lastPayment =now;
emit PayOffDividends(msg.sender, depositMultiplier);
* @return bool
function authorizationPayment()public view returns(bool){
if (balances[msg.sender] > 0 && now >= (time[msg.sender].add(dividendsTime))){
return (true);
* @return uint percent
function getPercent() public view returns(uint){
uint contractBalance = address(this).balance;
uint balanceStep1 = step1.mul(1 ether);
uint balanceStep2 = step2.mul(1 ether);
uint balanceStep3 = step3.mul(1 ether);
uint balanceStep4 = step4.mul(1 ether);
uint balanceStep5 = step5.mul(1 ether);
if(contractBalance < balanceStep1){
if(contractBalance >= balanceStep1 && contractBalance < balanceStep2){
if(contractBalance >= balanceStep2 && contractBalance < balanceStep3){
if(contractBalance >= balanceStep3 && contractBalance < balanceStep4){
if(contractBalance >= balanceStep4 && contractBalance < balanceStep5){
if(contractBalance >= balanceStep5){
function createDeposit() private{
if(msg.value > 0){
require(msg.value >= minInvesment, "msg.value must be >= minInvesment");
if (balances[msg.sender] == 0){
emit NewInvestor(msg.sender, msg.value);
// commission
if(getDepositMultiplier() > 0 && now >= time[msg.sender].add(dividendsTime) ){
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(msg.value);
time[msg.sender] = now;
emit NewDeposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
* function that is launched when transferring money to a contract
function() external payable{