Pre-sale: June 5th - September 30th, 2020
Gx blocks is launching its official bounty program.
Bounty hunters can apply after reading the rules below.
Bounty Allocation: 200 GX Contracts | 2,000+ Th/s | Zero Fees | $84,000+ in cloud mining contracts
Welcome to our BTCounty Campaign!GX Bitcoin Mining Contracts Available for bounty: 200, net worth $84,000
Total Circulation supply for Pre-sale: 5,000 Gx Bitcoin Mining Contracts
The Bounty campaign starts on 23th of June 2020 and will end on 23th of August 2020.
- Gx blocks will distribute awards among those who contribute to the bounty program goals after Gx blocks conduct a thorough review to assess quality and prevent abuse. This will occur no less than 2 weeks after the GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign ends.
- Gx blocks reserves the right to make amendments to the bounty program at any time.
- Consideration for award distribution will be based on reach, engagement, creativity, appropriateness, and general effectiveness in achieving bounty program goals.
- Certain bounty offers are restricted to eligible parties.
- Participants who deliver top results will be eligible for bonuses.
- Gx blocks reserves the right to remove stakes/participants from the bounty for any reason such as unethical behaviour and fraudulent submissions.
Proof Of Authentication
Bitcointalk Username :
Telegram Username :
Campaign Joined:
Size of reward:
5 GX-S Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for translating GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign Announcement thread and Bounty Announcement thread and moderating thread moderation.
Required tasks:Earn stakes for translating GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign Announcement thread and Bounty Announcement thread and moderating thread moderation (at least 3 new posts per week)How to participate:Register via this Google Form to apply for translating in chosen language: Translation and moderation, we will contact with you for an interviewTerms of participation:1. ANN Moderator should translate the news from the official channels of the project.
ANN Moderator should respond to the questions that appear in translated topics related to the project.
2. We will reward only one person per language. Please apply via given form and wait until you will be assigned with a translation task, before you start translating.
3. We will accept only high quality translations. If you use a copy-paste method with tools such as google translate, automatic translators and so on, your submission will be rejected and blacklisted.
4. We will pick the translator for each language from all submissions and reserve the right to re-assign the task if the translation provided will not meet quality expectations.
5. Bounty Manager and the team reserve their right to make changes to these terms or apply new ones.
Size of reward:
30 GX-S Mining Contracts for Twitter bountyhunters
Earn stakes for retweeting Gx blocks’s tweets during GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign campaign.
How to participate:
Complete and send us the form CLICK HERE
Subscribe to the official Twitter page
Register your retweets each week via these Google Forms:
Week 1:
Terms of participation:
1. You should do a minimum of 3 "like" and retweets per week and max. 1 retweet per day.
2. We will verify your following at the end of the campaign with Twitter Audit: and use this number to allocate stakes for your activity for the entire campaign
3. The number of subscribers will not be updated after the start of participation in the Campaign.
4. Multi-accounts are not allowed.
5. Your account must have a minimum of 100 real subscribers.
6. Twitter audit should be at least 85%.
7. You need to click the “LIKE” button and retweet at least 4 posts from our account.
8. You should create at least 2 original tweets per week with a hash tag: @GxBlocks, #GxBlocks or
9. Every stake equals one ticket to the Twitter raffle which is bound to happen sooner than two weeks after the end of bounty campaign (August 23rd). The raffle would award 20 Gx-S Mining contracts worth $6000. It would include random number generator and would be carried out transparently.
100 - 499 followers: 1 twitter_stake per retweet
500 - 999 followers: 2 twitter_stakes per retweet
1000 - 2499 followers: 4 twitter_stakes per retweet
+2500 followers: 6 twitter_stakes per retweet
All the participants must submit also a report ONCE A WEEK in English bounty version every Sunday at 23:59 by the forum time. The stakes are updated from Monday-Wednesday. Create a new report message on a weekly basis without a need to edit the previous messages with reports.
Sample Report:Week Number:
Spreadsheet number :
1. Unique tweet1
2. Unique tweet2
3. Unique tweet3
1. Retweet1
2. Retweet2
3. Retweet3
4. Retweet4
Size of reward:
10 GX-S Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for engaging with Gx blocks’s posts on Facebook.
How to participate:Complete and send us this form CLICK HERE
Like and subscribe to the official Facebook pageTerms of participation:1. You must have at least 100 friends/followers and your profile set on public (mode).
2. You are required to engage positively with at least 3 posts per week (comment / share / like)
3. The number of friends will not be updated after the start of Campaign.
4. Multi-accounts are not allowed.
5. Only 1 post/repost will be counted in a daily basis.
6. Every stake equals one ticket to the Twitter raffle which is bound to happen sooner than two weeks after the end of bounty campaign (August 23rd). The raffle would award 20 Gx-S Mining contracts worth $6000. It would include random number generator and would be carried out transparently.
All the participants must submit a report ONCE A WEEK in English bounty version every Sunday at 23:59 by the forum time. The stakes are updated every Monday-Wednesday. Create a new report message on a weekly basis without a need to edit the previous messages with reports.
1 facebook_stake per weekSample of report:Week Number:
Spreadsheet number :
1. Unique post1
2. Unique post2
1. Comment 1
2. Comment 2
1. Repost1
2. Repost2
3. Repost3
Size of reward:
20 GX-S Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for writing great articles or recording valuable videos about our GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign and sharing them with the public.
How to participate:Complete and send us the form CLICK HERE (once your article/video/blog is posted)
Rejected - 0 blog_stakes
Low impact content - 1 blog_stake
Moderate impact content - 5 blog_stakes
High impact content - 25 blog_stakesTerms of participation:1: Article has to be at least 500 words long, video at least 2 minutes long.
2. Content has to be original.
3. Content has to be available publicly.
4. You can post it on any website (your own blog, medium, reddit, linkedin, quora, youtube etc.) under your own name.
5. We will review all uploads and assess their impact - stakes will be given depending on impact.
6. We reserve the right to reject the content without giving any reason
7. Content has to contain at least 1 link to GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign website.
8. To verify the ownership of content, you must add a link to your Bitcointalk account profile
9. We reserve the right to reduce stakes if the content is inaccurate or misinforming. And also if the posted content does not have an audience
Size of reward:
15 Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for active participation on Gx blocks’s Telegram channel.
How to participate:
Complete and send us the form CLICK HERE
Join the Telegram Group
Terms of participation:
1. You have to post at least one meaningful message per week.
2. We reserve the right to reject any message as not meaningful without giving a reason.
3. You are awarded stakes for every week.
4. If you meet the requirements, you get 1 stake per week. If you additionally wear Gx Blocks avatar, you are awarded +1 stake (that means one can get max. 18 stakes for 9 weeks of campaign).
5. Every stake equals one ticket to the raffle which is bound to happen sooner than two weeks after the end of bounty campaign (August 23rd). The raffle would award 15 Gx-S Mining contracts worth $4500. It would include random number generator and would be carried out transparently. Stakes:
1 telegram_stake per weekSize of reward:
5 GX-L Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for becoming a GX Blocks Ambassador, helping us to spread the word and developing a better community along with a better world thanks to a environmentally friendly sustainable mining.
How to participate:
Complete and send us the form CLICK HERE
Terms of Participation:
1. Have a basic understanding of GX Blocks, blockchain technology.
2. Be willing to help build communities and expand GX Blocks’s influence on social media platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Medium, Youtube, Reddit.
3. Be willing to participate in community building, help to solve problems, and help to maintain an open, inviting atmosphere for constructive discussions.
4. Be willing to learn, develop, and share in-depth observations and reflections on the industry, and help GX Blocks optimizing its product.
Preferences may be given to individuals who have prior experience building blockchain project communities, such as social opinion leaders, as well as individuals recommended by other GX Blocks Ambassadors.
Size of reward:
110 GX-S Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for adding a signature and avatar to your Bitcointalk profile. We shall reward you for each post wearing signature and avatar during GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign.
How to participate:Complete and send us the form CLICK HERE
Add signature of level, avatar and personal text
Terms of participation:1. The Signature should be kept until one week after the end of the GX blocks - Pre Sale Campaign, removing the signature before that time will result in a disqualification.
2. During this period you must make a minimum of 30 Posts in order to be considered eligible.
3. Stakes depend on your rank at the end of campaign.
4. Must wear the signature and avatar at all times. Avatar is obligatory only for users eligible to wear an avatar according to forum rank.
5. Posts must be constructive, on topic and high quality. Off-topic & spam posts will not count, also we reserve the right to reject any post without giving a reason.
6. Posts with less than 100 characters will not count as eligible
7. 1 Bitcointalk account per person
8. Users with negative trust are not allowed to join. Having tagged by them during the campaign period will result in no pay-out and removal from the campaign
Jr. Member: 2 signature_stakes per post
Member: 3 signature_stake per post
Full Member: 4 signature_stakes per post
Sr. Member: 5 signature_stakes per post
Legendary/Hero: 6 signature_stakes per post
All the participants must submit also a report ONCE A WEEK in English bounty version every Sunday at 23:59 by the forum time. The stakes are updated from Monday-Wednesday. Create a new report message on a weekly basis without a need to edit the previous messages with reports.
Personal text: "Powering crypto infrastructure with Sustainable Energy"
Signature codes:
Jr. Member:
Full Member:
Sr. Member:
Size of reward:
5 Mining Contracts
Earn stakes for joining Gx blocks’s social media.
How to participate:
Complete and send us the form CLICK HERE
Join our official Telegram communityTelegram Group
Join our official Bounty Support Group
Follow us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Subscribe on our SubReddit
Terms of participation:
1. After we confirm your eligibility you are awarded stakes. Every stake equals one ticket to the raffle, which would award 5 Gx-S Mining contracts worth $300.
2. After joining our social media, fill in the form posted above and keep your fingers crossed!
3. Airdrop raffle will happen every two weeks (1 mining contract each) + final raffle, which will award 2 prizes.
4.It would include random number generator and would be carried out transparently.
1 airdrop_stake per week
All the participants must submit also a report ONCE A WEEK in English bounty version every Sunday at 23:59 by the forum time. The stakes are updated from Monday-Wednesday. Create a new report message on a weekly basis without a need to edit the previous messages with reports.