
Topic: [ANN] [预售] FLOGMALL - 国际电子商务平台 (Read 133 times)

copper member
Activity: 364
Merit: 0
Results of giveaway contest FIFA 2018! P.S.: not only Uruguay has won ...

Friends! Yesterday the match between Uruguay and Russia ended with the score 3:0, it didn't go well for Russian team. However, you shouldn't be too upset, drink alcohol and swear and yell at the Russian football players. Because, we have good news!

We have the winner of our second football giveaway contest! The God of predictions, the honorable user of our ICO, the ONLY person who guessed the score, the winner, who decided to stay unknown!

From the bottom of the heart we congratulate you and thank you for participation!

Meanwhile, we have more and more participants in our contests. And it means that we will have them again. Very soon! On 1.07 at 2 p.m. Russia will play with Spain, and, perhaps, FLOGmall will please you with the next giveaway of tokens once again!

So, train your prediction skills and follow our news!

We meet at FLOGmall!

copper member
Activity: 364
Merit: 0
Attention! 1 day left before the start of ICO FLOGmall!

We also remind you about the referral program with contest, presents and benefits from FLOGmall. Do you remember? Come on! 5% - to you, 3% - to your friends for a procedure that takes one minute. 

Сopy your referral link, send it to all friends, and you get back a percentage of the purchased tokens which were bought by referrals; and they get back a percentage of the purchases made at FLOGmall. You thank each other, everybody is happy!

So, if your referrals buy, for example, 6000 MLC (that equals 3 ETH and 1190$), you will receive 300 MLC from them, they will receive 60 dollars. Not bad for the first time, yep? One more! All your bonuses are summed up!

It's time to go to the website and register:
Activity: 92
Merit: 0
copper member
Activity: 364
Merit: 0
kreja please translate:


Take part in the FLOGmall referral program and earn MLC tokens! Use your referral link to tell your friends or some other interested individuals about the project. If someone from them will register on your link, they will be added to your referral program.

Your reward will be 5% of all tokens, bought by your referrals. A user, who purchases MLC tokens through your referral link, will receive a bonus of 3% MLC tokens from the purchase amount.

Additional contest among the participants of the referral program

1st place - Electric kick scooter HX 345$
2nd place- Apple AirPods 189$
3rd place - Backpack XD Design 15.6 Click 86$

The results of the contest will be held within 10 days after the end of the ICO and all the results will be notified by e-mail.

The prizes will go to three participants of the referral program, the referrals of which will acquire the largest number of MLC tokens. The contributions of each participant will be summed up, therefore the main criterion in choosing a winner will be the amount of MLC tokens, acquired by its referrals.


Share a referral link directly from your personal account on social networks

Follow the statistics in real time and watch the traffic sources!

Total amount of bonuses: 5600 MLC

Conditions for bonuses obtaining

1. Your bonus tokens are summed up during the whole ICO and will be accrued automatically after the end of the stage.

2. All your bonus MLC tokens will be accrued to your wallet, specified at registration in the Personal Account.

3. The spam is strictly prohibited for the promotion of your referral link. All the advertising channels are analyzed and in case of violation of the conditions for obtaining bonuses, your account will be blocked forever, and the received bonuses will be canceled.

4. By participating in the FLOGmall referral program, you agree to these terms and conditions.



Mallcoin Token (MLC) is a security token. MLC Token is offered for sales in the USA for accredited investors in compliance with the requirements of regulation D (page 506). You can read official documents about it here ..
According to the US jurisdiction (law), the Mallcoin tokens are securities and US citizens or US residents can buy MLC token only if they are accredited investors. Accredited investors have the opportunity to resell MLC tokens in a year since the moment of purchasing.
Residents and citizens of other countries can buy MLC tokens according to the usual procedure, taking into account their national jurisdictions.
jr. member
Activity: 75
Merit: 1

新的一周,有人要提升自己,有人要改变生活、换工作、换活动、搬家,对我们而言这是值得纪念的一周,因为 Alpha 版本升级啦!


如果你是卖家,请准备好展示你的商品 - 亲自将它的所有亮点、优点展示给公众。现在你可以展示照片了。你可以上传产品全方位的宣传照来赢得买家,或者,仅仅是展示……

如果你不能对特定卖家解决支付方式,现在你可以松口气了。我们解决了这个问题,并且卖家或店铺在注册时填写的作为支付手段的加密货币图标,现在也能正确显示了。这意味着,如果你的卖家只能从你那接收比特币或以太坊,你可以意识到他对他的产品的期望。在你的钱包中准备好各种各样的币,否则只能等 ATES 的帮助了(他会帮忙管理)。

不要再使用没有照片的信息档案了!现在你的靓照可以被数百万的 FLOGMALL 用户看到了(尽量不要像证件照那样拘谨)。你可以上传任何照片(你个人的或者你店铺的图标),完整地填写信息档案,概述你的兴趣、食物偏好、爱好或者音乐爱好等,以大大提高搜索质量。

总的来说,服务工作得到了大大的提升,但是没有最好只有更好。虽然我们的开发人员在过去一周多时间内只睡了很少的时间,但他们仍然兢兢业业地在开发我们共同的产品。个人通信功能扩展、购物车功能和历史订单功能的开发已经在 FLOGmall 这些充满奇思妙想的 it 人员的议程中了。

jr. member
Activity: 75
Merit: 1

Activity: 92
Merit: 10
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
没有新的想法。 但平台的实际应用将会出现。 由于很多人很快就会以加密货币付款。
copper member
Activity: 364
Merit: 0

Start of a new week for someone is a reason to refine oneself , for someone to dramatically  change life, change jobs, activities, place of residence, and for us this is a commemoration of a new upgrade of the Alpha version!

What we can present to you this week: now you and your favorite seller will have a secret of correspondence! To exchange the funny memes is not possible yet, but to communicate in the user account and in relation to the flypage- no problem!

If you are a seller, then prepare to show the goods - personally,in all its glory and advantages to the public. Now you have the right for the presentation photos. You can upload promo pictures of the product from all sides to be sure to win the buyer. Well, or just to show off ...

If you have failed to figure out the methods of payment for a particular seller, now you can relax. We solved this problem and developed  the correct display of the cryptocurrency icons specified by the seller or the store when filling in the profile after the registration as a payment method. That means if your seller can receive from you only Bitcoin or Ethereum , then you will be aware of his wish in terms of all his products. Get ready with various altcoins in your wallet, well, or wait for help from ATES (it will help manage).

No more faceless profiles! Now your happy face will be able to view the entire multimillion audience of FLOGmall (try not to be photographed in the same way as for documents). You can upload any photo (your personal one or the icon of your store), fill in the profile completely, outline the range of your interests, personal food preferences, hobbies or musical preferences. To vastly improve the search quality.

In general, the work of the service is significantly improved, but there is no limit to perfection. Our developers, although they began to sleep for a couple of hours a week more, still continue to work tirelessly on our common product.The expansion of the possibilities of personal correspondence (of course, they will become even more), the development of the cart functionality and the history of orders are already next things on the agenda of ingenious ideas FLOGmall it-guys

But this later. Have enough patience, and before tomorrow's post!

kreja please translate.
jr. member
Activity: 75
Merit: 1




在 FLOGmall,用户可以体验一种全新的独特的形式——LiveStore(在线商店)。它是视频和博客的集合,去介绍卖家、商店、商品、服务。

现在你可以成为 MallCoin (MLC) 代币的早期投资者,享受最大化的利益!现阶段,MLC 价格是 0.000333 ETH (1 ETH = 3000 MLC)

FLOGmall ICO 细节

时间: 2018年2月22日-2018年3月22日。
软顶: 2 500 000$.
硬顶: 5 000 000$.
Mallcoin 的销售价格是 1 ETH = 3000 MLC.
- Dash
- Doge
- Kick
- Litecoin
- Ripple

时间: 2018年4月12日-2018年5月12日
软顶: 5 000 000$.
硬顶: 18 000 000$.
Mallcoin 的销售价格是 1 ETH = 2000 MLC

FLOGmall 的历史以及未来的路线计划图
我们公司已有多年历史,涉及地域广阔。现在,由于区块链技术以及加密货币开始流通,FLOGmall 进入了国际市场。



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