Good news!
FoxCoin has been added to
General Information
Block Distribution: PoW
Algorithm: Scrypt
Maximum Coins: 1 Billion (1,000,000,000)
Block Retarget: 60 Seconds
Difficulty Retarget: Kimoto Gravity Well
Ports: RPC: 9919, P2P: 9929
Confirmations: 2 Confirmations per transaction
Block Reward: See below.
Premine: 25,000 FOX (0.000025%).
Block Reward:
Genesis Block: 250 FOX
Halving: None, decreases by 0.000125 FOX every block (1 FOX every 8000 Blocks)
Halving Stop: Stops at block 1,960,000, resulting in 5 FOX reward
Reward after Halving stop: 5 FOX (All FoxCoins will be mined within 282 Years)