The token sale has surpassed our wildest expectations. Here are just some numbers showing the support we got from the community:
Over 3,800 token sale participants,
over 8,000 Ether raised,
over 2,400 people in our Telegram group,
and over 3,500 subscribers to our mailing list
Amazing! We are humbled by the support and too happy about the phenomenal response. Now the work starts and we are getting to it right away.
Full focus on the horizon
Our chief priority is to achieve operational status as scheduled in February 2018, with the HydroMiner platform made accessible to H2O token holders, so that they can redeem tokens for mining time. Work on this platform will soon be completed, with the team already beginning the coding process for a H2O token exchange interface.
Meanwhile, orders for AntMiner S9 ASICS have already been made and are expected to arrive in Austria in November. The ICO has also made possible a new order for GPUs, which will be submitted within a week.
HydroMiner is also working on the construction of two new mining containers, with current progress approximating completion earlier than the February 2018 deadline.
Come meet us
We will continue to participate in relevant blockchain- and energy-themed events to seek strategic partnerships to strengthen our position.
Our CEO Nadine Damblon is already lined up as a speaker at this week’s 18th New Energy World Forum (Forum Neue Energiewelt) panel discussion on the topic “Smart home, city in 2027”. The forum is Germany’s leading conference for new energy. Damblon will also be attending the Crypto Finance Conference in the Swiss city of St. Moritz in mid-January.
Hvala, hvala, hvala!
Prodaja tokena nadmašila je naša najluđa očekivanja. Evo samo neke brojke kao pokazatelj podrške koju smo dobili od zajednice:
Više od 3.800 sudionika u prodaji,
preko 8.000 Ethera prikupljeno,
preko 2.400 ljudi u našoj Telegram grupi,
i preko 3.500 pretplatnika na našu mailing listu
Nevjerojatno! Osjećamo se ponizno prema dobivenoj podršci i presretni smo zbog fenomenalnog odziva. Sada počinje rad i bacamo se na to odmah.
Puni fokus na horizontu
Naš glavni prioritet je postizanje operativnog statusa na rasporedu u veljači 2018. godine, pri čemu će HydroMiner platforma postati dostupna nositeljima H2O tokena, kako bi ih mogli iskoristiti za vrijeme rudarenja. Rad na ovoj platformi uskoro će biti dovršen, a tim je već započeo proces kodiranja sučelja za razmjenu H2O tokena.
U međuvremenu, narudžbe za AntMiner S9 ASICS već su napravljene i očekuje se da stignu u Austriju u studenom. ICO je također omogućio novu narudžbu za GPU-e, koja će biti napravljena u roku od tjedan dana.
Dođite upoznati nas
Nastavit ćemo sudjelovati u relevantnim događajima na temu blockchain-a i energetike kako bismo tražili strateška partnerstva da ojačamo naš položaj.
Naš CEO, Nadine Damblon, je već odabrana kao govornik na ovogodišnjem 18. New Energy World Forum (Forum Neue Energiewelt) na temu "Pametna kuća, grad u 2027.". Forum je vodeća njemačka konferencija za novu energiju. Damblon će također sredinom siječnja nazočiti Crypto Finance Conference u švicarskom gradu St. Moritzu.