8,966,516,683,73516685 this is a unique number of numbers. Looks unique but the project is less convincing.
auww...don't be scared of a little bitcointalk competition because it's got a good head start and it's blockchain based lol. So many people already registering and uploading their identities. Concept here revolves more about decentralization and trust than anonymity and trust like bitcointalk
so yes, be glad. its builds a healthy ecosystem. I think they may even go far with this project especially with orderly governments. So if you don't see the upsides to such, a project...well as they say, some things you got to see for yourself; i can't help you to see for Cryptrust is a no brainer IMO. Full KYC means people dont av to whitelist for ICOs anymore. It is changing crypto space and cleaning up scams too bcos of decentralized trust to avoid d problems of icobench and centralized others. So basically, all u need to get registered for an ICO and get ur allocated airdrop is just to FOLLOW that ico in a simple click. All done!! 👍✨ who wont eat that up? 😱
And why is the important? Bcos most airdrops and ico front is too overwhelming. Too many sites and too much kyc whitelisting needed, which people quickly get tired of. Too many KYC for too many different icos. The flood is coming. One platform secures all KYC in sociL media blockchain. Simply follow ur ICO and u can recieve ur airdrop. Your ICO already knws who u are. Governments will eat this up too. Decentralized yet trustworthy.