Perhaps if you answered to my post, we'll be able to see how looking at this project as a whole shows how likely it is to be a scam, rug-pull, or (at the very least) short lived. Because I am quite sure my post covers some of the concern nicely, without even having to brings the anonymity to the center of the stage
Sorry, I didn't notice your previous question. I will write my response below.
And your goal is to be a financial transaction and payment system that's adapted by massive community as well as business entity? I will have to seriously ask, do you prefer people to label your entire product as childish, naive and thoughtless, lacking of long term sight, or simply lacking of manner? I can only think about those three possible category, as the fourth one will be the serious accusation of narrowminded scam attempt.
You want to be adapted by business entities for financial transactions, and worldwide community (that, as you said, surpassed doge) as payment system, yet your name bear the very obvious case of NSFW? Please tell me you've think about this thoroughly when deciding to be a project that is "not a joke or scam" and adapted by massive community.
Yes, that's the goal, to be used in financial transactions e.g. payments and remittances. And yes, we carefully thought this out. Since 2013, I've waited everyday for anyone to start a cryptocurrency project using the word 'pube'. Turns out, no one was brave or crazy enough to make this a reality. For sure, one of the reasons are those things you mentioned like the fears of being rejected and labelled childish, naive, offensive, vulgar, or indecent. But, in case you forgot, we live in a different times, people are now more open minded. Especially the younger generations who seems to love the craziest and wildest ideas especially in social media.
I'm aware that your primary concern is "How can businesses, such as Amazon, accept an obscene coin called PubeCoin?" Of course, at the moment the answer is no. But we will start with the
small businesses, just like when cryptocurrencies started. Did all big businesses immediately accept crypto as payments? They did not. They only started to accept crypto payments when they noticed more and more people are using it.
So, to answer your question. Did we carefully thought this out? Yes. Our strategy is to continuously attract users into the ecosystem, hence we will be tapping the massive social media market through various marketing strategies. Once PubeCoin is recognized as a medium of exchange, small businesses and sellers can start integrating PubeCoin into their business. PubeCoin payments will also offer on-demand token swap, which is very important to enable PubeCoin holders to still pay with PUBEs even if the seller only accepts a particular crypto. We strongly believe though that once we have a massive number of users in our ecosystem, business integration opportunities will eventually turn to PubeCoin's favor. I hope you see the huge potential of this project and why there's a need for us to withheld our identities.
Lastly, if I may add, what matters about money is not what it looks or sounds like, or even what it’s backed by, but whether people believe in it enough to use it.