Ȼu Vault![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FP3gjBwr.png&t=670&c=Tj_Fb9q3SP6dmw)
Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29, hence employing
Ȼu as the logical ticker symbol for
Ȼu Vault, the brandable domain name TBD/TBA (henceforth: simply
Ȼu [temporarily]).
Ȼu is a stablecoin, an ERC-20 (ERC20) based utility token, soft-pegged to the intrinsic value (
IV) of US minted copper pennies (¢ents) dated prior to 1983, eventually having one billion (1B)
Ȼu in circulation; each
Ȼu and its market cap correlates to the spot price of copper denoted in U$D, each ¢ent "re¢ently" enjoying an approximate 95.2% markup over its face value (
FV) with copper trading at $2.83/lb (hence, the usage of “[soft-pegged]”; 145 copper ¢ents [$1.45] weigh one pound [1 lb]).
The primary utility of
Ȼu is the stablecoin on YuTü.Co.in's exchange -
YTC-Sox (
Social E
xchange) - virtually incorporating a similar business model/practice largely advanced of late by crypto entities introducing their own flavor-of-the-month stablecoin, of which some are 100% uncollateralized like NuBits and Basis (
source), and at least one renowned VC model explored (same source) resembles a Rube Goldberg crypto-contraption on the surface, integrating more than two alts
to crack open one's proverbial nest egg as pseudo-visualized
Applying the re¢ent spot price, 1B copper pennies – $10M (
FV) – has an
IV of $19,520,000 ($19.45M), of which
Ȼu is soft-pegged to the latter, dually backed by the
FV of the pennies and
YuTübopolis, Inc.'s YuTü.Co.in (at the onset and subsequently freely providing the highly secured storage facilities for the pennies at YuTübopolis Center [Nashville, TN], a
YouTube Space-esque campus, where the on-site
Ȼu Vault will be monitored 24/7 - viewable online - and routinely opened for public scrutiny).
Ȼu is the only stablecoin pegged to physical coins (US copper pennies) still in circulation, most others pegged to the US dollar that may or may not be collateralize ([try not to] think: Tether).
Historic Spot Price:Initial Stablecoin Offering (ISO):
On the Net, first we had Kickstarter, GoFundMe, Indiegogo, etc., as a means to garner funding for startups. Shortly after the advent of cryptos, the
Offering) model became all the rage in crowdfunding ventures mostly in the crypto space. Then along came stablecoins, albeit not looked upon as a crowdfunding medium because of its overall intended purpose, but that doesn't stop one from thinking unconventionally, exploring the fuller potential of stablecoins.
Offering (
ISO), with YuTü.Co.in as the first crypto startup to employ such a crowdfunding model, introducing its own stablecoin as a financial means to bring the endeavor to fruition, the details of which follows.
Summarization (below the fold) to read why and how
YuTü.Co.in and
Ȼu Vault are intertwined.
Early Bird In¢entives:A maximum 100M
Ȼu (10% total supply) will be distributed at the
FV rate, e.g. for $100 (10K pennies), a supporter receives 10K
Ȼu having an
IV of nearly double the purchase price according to the current/re¢ent spot copper price determination (2nd chart above and follow
accompanied link).
A minimum order of $50 via BTC, ETH or BCH applies, equating to a maximum 20,000 participants.
As an additional bonus, along with the first 125M
Ȼu allocated, supporters will cumulatively receive 125M YTC (YuTüCoin) at YuTü.Co.in's Pre-ICO price point ($0.05/YTC), namely a 10K
Ȼu purchase includes 2K YTC, both corresponding tokens simultaneously remitted to a provided ETH wallet address. Furthermore, supplementary
Ȼu spelled out as ancillary in¢entives below will proportionately be matched with YTC.
Available for a maximum 500 distinct orders, a max 10M
Ȼu (1% total supply) will be distributed at the
FV rate of one for two, e.g. for the minimum order of $100 (10K pennies), supporters will receive 20K
Ȼu having an
IV approaching 4X the purchase amount.
Available for a maximum 100 distinct orders, a max 10M
Ȼu (1% total supply) will be distributed at the
FV rate of one for four, e.g. for the minimum order of $250 (25K pennies), supporters will receive 100K
Ȼu having an
IV approaching 8X the purchase amount.
Available for a maximum 10 distinct orders, a max 4M
Ȼu (.4% total supply) will be distributed at the
FV rate of one for eight, e.g. for the minimum order of $500 (50K pennies), supporters will receive 400K
Ȼu having an
IV approaching 16X the purchase amount.
Available for the
FIRST 5 purchases of $100 (10K pennies), each supporter will receive 50K
Ȼu reflecting an effective
FV rate of one for five having an
IV approaching 10X the purchase amount.
A single 2M Ȼu (0.2% total supply) purchase is available for $2,500. We'll grant a one-off $10K purchase for 10M
Ȼu in lieu of the aforementioned from anybody interested in procuring such a lot size, of which will no longer be available if the 2M
Ȼu purchase for $2,500 priorly commenced.
A bare minimum 25% of the purchase prices will go toward the immediate procurement of copper pennies, temporarily held on account by
Portland Mint (follow link).
The table below
visualizes the in¢entives presented above followed by subscript annotations and the
Table Legend.