Nope i'm still on it with many great news, working on a decentralised 3D engine with unity that support VR, will update the website soon !
The start of the year 2019 what prophetic for me cronavirus all the way !
At the moment i'm mostly working on building the c# unity client mostly as an equivalent to what would be an SPV wallet, aka only downloding block header and data used 'on demand' and unity as contain an UI toolkit that can be used to render something close to bootstrap webpage as formatted rich text, buttons, grids, so i'm mostly working on moving everything to the c# client, which is much better than using web browser + javascript on every levels.
Probably some of the builder tools will stay as online application, but there will be at least some builder to create virtual worlds on the blockchain within the unity client, and other tools to upload / edit objects and texture via the web interface (both of them connected to the blockchain via full nodes).
I'm overall pretty recultant with the model of selling token as a funding because i find this model relatively broken. I'm still unsure how to fund this though, so i'm not advancing super fast I'm in contact with some start up incubators in france i will see how that goes. I'd prefer some institutional funding with a classic share model not to spoil the utility value of the token and making it as close to an utility token as possible, which also make it easier to fit into regulation and better for users and creators and the whole ecocystem if the token itself doesn't come with technological debt and speculation too much.