Do I think that the price of bitcoin is ever going to reach a million? I highly doubt it.
It's only a 16x from here
The "why" page first loads the tweet as normal text, and then it turns to an embedded tweet a few seconds later. I don't believe that's the normal behavior, and if it is, it's very slow.
This is unfortunately a side effect of how Twitter's embeds work - the formatted rendering is done by Twitter's SDK, which is extremely inefficient. There used to be workarounds to speed it up, but they all broke after the Twitter API was nerfed.
Also as a suggestion, I think both pages should be in one (meaning the main page, and the why page).
Also for the fun of it, you could also list some "one million" price predictions linking to articles/videos (made by companies, or known individuals like Saylor).
Excellent ideas! I'll work on some more material, maybe a sats conversion chart and quotes.
Appreciate the feedback!