Announcing a web-based application to monitor your workers and remotely drive you cgminer to the most profitable scrypt or SHA256 coin will need to register (free) to use profitability monitor)
Once you setup multiple pools inside cgminer, you will be able to map different coins to different pools and profitability monitor will switch to the most profitable coin based on the current difficulty and exchange rates.
This tool will also allow you to monitor and change configuration of your cgminer devices too:
Nothing needs to be installed on you computer.
This is what needs to be done to make it work for your cgminer:
1. Add the following 3 lines into cgminer.conf (or whatever config file you are using to drive you cgminer)
"api-port" : "4028",
"api-listen": true,
"api-allow" : "W:",
2. Configure your router to forward outside traffic on port 4028 to your worker computer port 4028 (you can setup additional miners on different ports)
3. Launch "Profitability Monitor" and click "Add Worker" Button.
you will see your IP address filled in already.
4. Click "Verify" buttion, this button will try to contact your cgminer and determine what kind of coins you are mining (SHA or scrypt). It will get your configured pools so you can map them to the coins. The screen will look like that (after you select a pool for each coin):
if you get this far, you are done. Just click "Save" and you can start using it - just select coins to be considered for auto switching.
If you see this message:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond, it means that you didn't properly configured your router to forward traffic to selected port
if you see this meessage:
A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied, it means that you didn't properly configured your cgminer for API accesss.
"Profitability Monitor" is part of the larger web application to access JSON based APIs of you pools/miners/exchanges and so on. The main bitcointalk thread for
http://json.karasoft.con thread is here: