Hey guys, our Informative Guide to the Distributed Ledger Space, aka Newcomer Kit is Available for Public Comment (APC) today!.
The Blockchain and Music Review may be delayed until Sunday. We will provide an update in the next 6–8 hours if the delay is needed.
The APC Procedure is provided below. If you would like the chance to earn $50.00 worth of ETH, make sure to follow the procedure to the letter.
Here you will find the links to our documents.
Newcomer KitHashing Algorithm:SHA512
APC ProcedureFor the APC period, we believe it is necessary to provide uniform guidelines on commenting, suggesting, revising, referencing, and other similar editorial actions (hereinafter “critique”).
The commentator with the best critique(s) will receive $50.00 worth of ETH for their service.
Here is the procedure for each critique, let us know if you have any questions about it.
- Mention your name, a social media account you individually own and/or Ethereum public address of which you have control over the private key at the beginning of your Critique.
- Include a title, indented four spaces, in bold font and underlined, that is sufficiently descriptive of your critique.
- State the reason for the critique and why it is necessary.
- Include the page/slide/line number you are referring to.
- If you refer to material outside the document: 1) state the source where you got the material from; and 2) quote the relevant information at the end of your critique in double quotes.
- Paragraphs should be a maximum of 5 sentences.
- All paragraphs should be single-spaced and separated by one blank line.
- Indent of four spaces at the start of each new paragraph.
- Acceptable fonts are Times New Roman, Garamond, Arial, Signika, and Droid Serif.
- The font size for all critiques is size 12.
- Notwithstanding 10, all revisions should include the original text, in size 10 font, in double quotes, and the revised text in size 10 font, in red, separated by one blank line.
- You consent to an additional procedure to verify your control of your previously provided Ethereum public address.
- You consent to be included as a contributor to the document.
If you have any questions about the APC Procedure, please post a reply or send us a message at
[email protected].
Thank you for reading our post!
Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of the APC period and do not hesitate to contact us about this or anything else regarding Ledgerback.