KHS stands for "Kilohashes" and is associated with Litecoin/scrypt mining "power". You can simply buy KHS at scryptEX and start mining right away instead of purchasing expensive and wait ages for it to arrive.
Main facts:
- Litecoin/scrypt cloud mining platform
Guaranteed hashing power, no fluctuation
Hourly mining payouts
3% affiliate comissions (comming soon)
Datacenters in Europe
Buy and sell scrypt mining Kilohashes for a price set by the supply and demand.
Mines the profitable coins
Miners will start between June 15 to 15 July!
Cheap Pre-order
You will also be able to sell your KHS for the price set up by current market conditions at any time.
Join today and start using the most profitable Litecoin/Scrypy cloud mining plaform
Also please explain why you went to a new thread once I started claiming you were scamming in this thread:
And bootstrap has nothing to do with your similarities. Your color scheme, table widths, and font style are all the same.
For more reference, please compare this OP with your own:
MARKETS.CX is a cloud mining platform running by a group of mining industry experts commited to Litecoin network growth and development.
Our service allows you to start Litecoin mining right away without any technical knowledge or hardware installation.
We are working closely with hardware and software engineers around the globe to provide you with the most cost effective and profitable mining platform ever. Most of our miner hardware manufacturing and hosting are carried within China mainland to lower deployment time and reduce associated costs and transaction expenses. Some hashing powers are distributed over several secure data centers in Europe. All of the above allows us to offer the best KHS/LTC price possible.
KHS stands for "Kilohashes" and is associated with Litecoin mining capacities. You can simply buy KHS at MARKETS.CX and start mining right away instead of purchasing expensive and hard-to-maintain equipment and wait ages for it to arrive. Our professional engineers will do all the work for you.
Gridseed-based Litecoin mining equipment is safely stored in MARKETS.CX secure data centers across China and Europe.
You will also be able to sell your KHS for the price set up by current market conditions at any time.
Key facts:
- First Litecoin cloud mining platform
- Guaranteed hashing power, no fluctuation
- Hourly mining payouts
- 3% affiliate comissions
- Datacenters in China and Europe
- Buy and sell Litecoin mining Kilohashes for a price set by the supply and demand.
Join MARKETS.CX today and start using the most profitable Litecoin cloud mining plaform ever created!
Seems like the only thing you did was remove the references to China.