- be part of history!
MillionDollarDAPP is a homage to the
MillionDollarHomepage from 2005. It maintains
1,000,000 pixels which are sold for
$1 each. In contrast to the original, the MillionDollarDapp utilizes latest Web 3.0 technologies to operate in a complete decentralized manner.
It allows you placing ads without cencorship, editing their content and deleting them. But beware:
History cannot be changed! Every action you take on this DAPP creates an immutable record on the Ethereum Blockchain –
forever! Images are recognized by their "fingerprint" (hash) on IPFS (Interplanetary Filesystem) and served as long as anyone in the universe has interest in it. This allows us to look at the site for any given time in the past. Nobody is able to change records once they are written.
By adopting a popular but simple idea from the traditional web we, the crypto community, are getting another chance to showcase outsiders which possibilities are enabled by utilizing blockchain.
FEATURES- Ethereum ERC20 token (MDAPP) to claim ownership of pixels
- Price fixed to $1 via Oraclize price determination within the smart contract
- Immutable, uncensored ad placement with image, title, description, link and contact information
- Image automatically stored to IPFS and referenced from smart contract
- Text data stored on blockchain
- Editable ads
- Ads can be marked as NSFW by contract owner (but still be viewed by everyone wishing to see them)
- Pixels can be released to get the spent tokens back
- Tokens can be transferred like any other ERC20 token*
- Old ads are still accessible through blockchain and IPFS data
- Referral program: get 10% of all ETH spent for purchases using your referral code
- Time machine: move back in history and see how the ads evolved over time
* once distribution is completeCOMPARISON
- Decimals: 0
- Max. supply: 10,000
- Price per token: $100 (corresponds to 10x10 pixels – the smallest possible ad dimensions)
- Hardcap: $1,000,000
- Presale starting at: TBA (early October anticipated)
- Sale starting at: about 1 to 2 weeks after presale end
- Utility token for an existing, working product – hence no KYC necessary!
claim ownership of pixels one needs to own 1 MDAPP per 10x10 pixel block. By claiming pixels the appropriate amount of MDAPP is
locked and can‘t neither be transfered nor used for further claiming.
releasing pixels, one loses ownership of them but at the same time
unlocks the appropriate amount of MDAPP.
Unlocked tokens do not guarantee a specific ad position nor do multiple tokens guarantee a cohering area of pixels. However, they guarantee that one gets any free pixels of his or her choice. Token generation ends at a supply of 10,000 MDAPP, each representing 100 pixels, 1,000,000 pixels in total. The principle is „first come – first serve“.
This allows the MillionDollarDapp to change contents and actors over time, creating a real immutable history of digital mankind.
PRESALE BONUSSince this is called „Million Dollar“ Dapp, wide discounts and bonuses couldn‘t be granted without changing the nature of this project. However, presale participation is incentivized by a preferred right of claiming pixels and placing ads before participants of the normal sale. The most valuable thing you can gain are the pixels of your desire. At the same time you create a longer trace in history. Take your chance!
CURRENT STATEAll functionality except the time machine is fully implemented and
running on the Rinkeby testnet. Before mainnet launch, we want to raise visibility of this project and collect user feedback and find bugs. Furthermore, we are in need of a header and token logo.
logo contest will be called out very soon. The winner will be granted 4 MDAPP, 2nd place 2 MDAPP and 3rd place 1 MDAPP.
Further bounties are granted for
finding critical bugs in the smart contracts. We‘re also open for proposals of further bounty programs.
Once the DAPP is launched on mainnet,
you can earn real ETH by sharing your referral code over social media and other chanels. The referral code will be forwarded to the sale smart contract which will automatically grant you
10% of the spent Ether. You can see your withdrawable balance by viewing the DAPP with your unlocked MetaMask account.