Como funcionaría esto? Como los masternodes de DASH?
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Name: value in btc: value in $: value in btc: value in $: difference in $: difference in %:
01 Jan 2016 01 Jan 2016 01 Jan 2017 01 Jan 2017 in year 2016 in year 2016
Monero 0,00105001 $0,45608234 0,01431600 $13,7568170 $13,3007347 2916,30%
PotCoin 0,00000120 $0,00052123 0,00001539 $0,0147889 $0,0142676 2737,29%
NAV Coin 0,00000362 $0,00157238 0,00004065 $0,0390622 $0,0374898 2384,27%
NEM 0,00000035 $0,00015203 0,00000383 $0,0036804 $0,0035284 2320,90%
SysCoin 0,00000111 $0,00048214 0,00000942 $0,0090521 $0,0085699 1777,48%
I/O Coin 0,00005886 $0,02556643 0,00037981 $0,3649746 $0,3394082 1327,55%
Siacoin 0,00000004 $0,00001737 0,00000025 $0,0002402 $0,0002229 1282,70%
GameCredits 0,00003426 $0,01488117 0,00021203 $0,2037481 $0,1888669 1269,17%
ShadowCash 0,00023257 $0,10101911 0,00123943 $1,1910179 $1,0899988 1079,00%
Viacoin 0,00000844 $0,00366600 0,00003586 $0,0344593 $0,0307933 839,97%
Ethereum 0,00216526 $0,94050233 0,00829501 $7,9710069 $7,0305046 747,53%
Storjcoin X 0,00003652 $0,01586283 0,00013797 $0,1325809 $0,1167181 735,80%
Qora 0,00000002 $0,00000869 0,00000007 $0,0000673 $0,0000586 674,31%
Burst 0,00000017 $0,00007384 0,00000055 $0,0005285 $0,0004547 615,75%
MaidSafeCoin 0,00003380 $0,01468137 0,00010309 $0,0990633 $0,0843819 574,76%
Boolberry 0,00003093 $0,01343475 0,00008918 $0,0856966 $0,0722619 537,87%
Factom 0,00111824 $0,48571873 0,00309356 $2,9727255 $2,4870068 512,03%
CureCoin 0,00001657 $0,00719735 0,00004031 $0,0387355 $0,0315381 438,19%
Expanse 0,00008958 $0,03890997 0,00019505 $0,1874313 $0,1485214 381,71%
Bitcrystals 0,00006449 $0,02801188 0,00013117 $0,1260465 $0,0980346 349,98%
Dash 0,00763937 $3,31823675 0,01180000 $11,3390920 $8,0208552 241,72%
Counterparty 0,00140924 $0,61211749 0,00177678 $1,7073790 $1,0952615 178,93%
BitcoinDark 0,00284501 $1,23575854 0,00351901 $3,3815575 $2,1457989 173,64%
SuperNET 0,00180029 $0,78197396 0,00210382 $2,0216448 $1,2396708 158,53%
Bitcoin 1,00000000 $434,36000000 1,00000000 $960,9400000 $526,5800000 121,23%
DigiByte 0,00000032 $0,00013900 0,00000027 $0,0002595 $0,0001205 86,66%
Bytecoin 0,00000006 $0,00002606 0,00000005 $0,0000480 $0,0000220 84,36%
Dogecoin 0,00000031 $0,00013465 0,00000023 $0,0002210 $0,0000864 64,14%
Stellar 0,00000404 $0,00175481 0,00000258 $0,0024792 $0,0007244 41,28%
Omni 0,00529999 $2,30210366 0,00292969 $2,8152563 $0,5131527 22,29%
Rubycoin 0,00038650 $0,16788014 0,00021110 $0,2028544 $0,0349743 20,83%
DigitalNote 0,00000015 $0,00006515 0,00000008 $0,0000769 $0,0000117 17,99%
Litecoin 0,00853511 $3,70731038 0,00451716 $4,3407197 $0,6334094 17,09%
BitShares 0,00000797 $0,00346185 0,00000414 $0,0039783 $0,0005164 14,92%
Ripple 0,00001378 $0,00598548 0,00000682 $0,0065536 $0,0005681 9,49%
BlackCoin 0,00006024 $0,02616585 0,00002830 $0,0271946 $0,0010288 3,93%
NuBits 0,00232431 $1,00958729 0,00104352 $1,0027601 -$0,0068272 -0,68%
Vcash 0,00008986 $0,03903159 0,00003901 $0,0374863 -$0,0015453 -3,96%
Nxt 0,00001462 $0,00635034 0,00000612 $0,0058810 -$0,0004694 -7,39%
VeriCoin 0,00006363 $0,02763833 0,00002440 $0,0234469 -$0,0041914 -15,17%
Primecoin 0,00014140 $0,06141850 0,00005120 $0,0492001 -$0,0122184 -19,89%
GridCoin 0,00002419 $0,01050930 0,00000718 $0,0068995 -$0,0036097 -34,35%
Clams 0,00330067 $1,43367902 0,00089482 $0,8598683 -$0,5738107 -40,02%
Peercoin 0,00097000 $0,42132920 0,00024792 $0,2382362 -$0,1830930 -43,46%
Namecoin 0,00095000 $0,41264200 0,00024222 $0,2327589 -$0,1798831 -43,59%
NautilusCoin 0,00025325 $0,11000167 0,00005200 $0,0499689 -$0,0600328 -54,57%