Announcement : New ASIC! The Epic 2.2TH SC200 Blake2b/Blake2b-Sia (SC) Siacoin Miner! On Sale Now! PayPal!
I support this ASIC maker and was asked to setup a General Information Thread about the SC200 ASIC miner for blake2b/blake2b-sia (Siacoin) (SC) by Epic Blockchain Technologies.
After talking it over with there CEO and others in the know, itt was a pretty easy decision, on my part, in that they take PayPal as a payment option with the usual
safety of delivery or cash back options that PayPal provides. Which IMHO if all ASIC makers did this, ASIC purchases of any flavor BTC/Crypto would be almost free
of fraud on purchases! Thus backing their play on making new ASICs for whatever my 'cred' is worth on (This of course and $2 will get you a coffee...but for what it is worth)
Here are the general links to buy/see tech specs/PayPal and other information below.
Epic Blockchain Technologies Main Site: it now and information page. PayPal as an Option! SC200 Miner specs: for Questions/FAQ page....on tariff and shipping and general info on payment options. SC200 ASIC miner running real time with labeled firmware on link below: of Epic Blockchain Technologies: Epic contact on other questions Email:
[email protected]Or you can contact me: Searing via PM on here (Though at the present time, this page is pretty much what I know!)
Anyway, more detailed info on this thread as soon as I'm told. There MAY be the possibility of a 'group buy' if enough interest. Too soon to know yet.
Anyway, look the site over, consider your ROI and electric costs/etc...see if this project works for you.