When someone purchases or sells an POGods token (POG), 20% of the buy and 25% sell price is split by the total number of tokens and given as locked-in dividends (priced in Ether) to all previous buyers based on how many POG tokens they own.
20% of every buy and 25% sell will be rewarded to token holders. Strong Gods will be rewarded through every crash and pump. The smart contract, unlike other schemes, will allow you to directly convert your dividends back into tokens, increasing your ability to earn more dividends.
Seriously, no self destruct, no exit scam. This contract will fluctuate in price and pay out dividends until the Ethereum network dies. At any time, you can sell your tokens back to the smart contract for the current price, or withdraw/convert the dividends you've accumulated!
Your masternode brings you 7% of total purchase of your referrals in dividennds.!
All of this God Scheme is provided with Ethereum Smart Contract system, check out links:
Smart Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x8036165ccabee251c886d6121b047c16b5e798b5
Project Website: https://pog.surge.sh/
Discord: https://discord.gg/M2vhsGd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/POG-1019584181528576/