CHAINWISE Group announces new development in consensus protocolsAs of today, CHAINWISE Group is officially announcing the development of a new Consensus Protocol for Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and inter-chain consensus called “Proof-of-Clash”, or PoC.
It’s better. Than anything you know. Period.Let’s be real. Aren’t we all tired of the ongoing disputes about which blockchain has the better tech, the better consensus, the better community…? We, for one, are fed up with all the opinionated, mouthy debates out there. All bark and no bite, right? We’re fixing that.
Our new protocol is designed to enhance or replace pretty much all existing consensus protocols like Proof-of-Work (PoW, as in
BTC Bitcoin or Ethereum) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS, as in Cardano or Ethereum 2.0) as it is a faster, more lightweight and more secure protocol to establish consensus and guarantee finality of transactions, especially in blockchains. The most revolutionary aspect of PoC is, however, that PoC has been specifically designed to establish consensus in cross-chain and inter-chain communication. The design is so flexible that it allows to combine arbitrary, seemingly incompatible blockchains and establish consensus on which one is the best. Finally, no more ranting and brawling because in good ol’ DLT fashion the competition will be straightened out on-chain.
The PoC white paper, as well as additional in-depth information, can be found at
proofofclash.comFirst implementation nearing completion, not just a white paperWhile the design and simulation of the protocol is nearing its last steps, we push the implementation of the reference software and the publication of the open-source code rapidly. The first implementation of Proof-of-Clash will be our very own, but certainly truly decentralized Clash Chain, of which we plan to release the public test net this summer. Find more information about Clash Chain at
Adoption drives innovationAt present, our Business Developers are working day and night to secure partnerships. As soon as we can officially make major announcements with industry partners, you will be the first ones to learn about it; but rest assured: We got them all. You name it, we have it.
In the meantime, we’ve teamed with our friends from DNA Block, Los Angeles, to bring to you the first application on Clash Chain that will unleash the potential of Proof-of-Clash . After eternal brainstormings and discussions regarding the best name for the first Clash Chain application, we’re proud to announce:
Chain Clash! If you’ve ever wondered how the individual blockchains and their native currencies compare to one another, visit the Chain Clash website to subscribe to our newsletter and check back regularly for updates. Trust us, it’s gonna be huge.
We’re super excited about our newest developments — we hope you’re too, so stay tuned and keep clashing!
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