ROCKET TokenOUR AIMS AND GOALS:Provide easy way to earn to our users
Provide confidence at certain level to earn at their own.
Make people to know how with simple and easy way to earn.
Let people earn more and more at their ease.
Make people comfortable and relax and let them spend their time at home and with family.
AS A NEW USER! I DON’T KNOW HOW TO USE ROCKET Token:ROCKET Tokenis easy to use. Users just need to install an app named by “ALL RELIGIONS HELP AND CARE”.
On installation of this app they can start earning. There are different stages and pages which they need to join, and like and comment.
On each like and comments they get earn at their own.
ABOUT APP:ALL RELIGION HELP AND CARE app is based on all religions questions and queries, where anyone users from the whole world and from any religion can ask FAQS at any time (day & night). Our experts are online 24/7 to answer them.
Ticker: ROCKET
BLOCK CHAIN Type: Etherem
Token standard: ERC20
Max Amount: 50,000,000 ROCKET
Contract Address: TO EARN FROM APP DOWNLOADING?New and old User just need to download our app “ALL RELIGION HELP AND CARE”.
They get start earning to download from our app. There are points to download the app “ALL RELIGION HELP AND CARE”.
Users need to join pages and groups and need to like, comment and share as much as they can. Users can get earn from single like, comment and share and as well for joining groups and pages. Users can fulfill the task at easy ways. It is just as they use on other social media platforms.
BENEFITS OF USING OUR APP “ALL RELIGION HELP AND CARE”:Our priority to clear all misconceptions and confusions of all religions for their followers.
It’s really a great opportunity for all human being in the whole world to answer their questions queries and mind confusion about their religions to get their answers and follow their religions without any confusion. There are so many casts in one religions that’s why normally there were a lot of changes get in! in one religion. Some time people get confused because of these changes, and they started following wrong directions of their own religions. That’s why we trying to provide a platform for all religions at one place to follow their own religions without any confusion and without any misconceptions.