Announcing Sentinelcoin (A.K.A. SentinelC)!What is Sentinelcoin?Sentinelcoin is a not-for-profit asset issued on the NXT Asset Exchange by Project Sentinel. It is to be 98% freely distributed, in the forum of bounties! Its value is to be set by the community itself. The goal of Project Sentinel is to encourage both NXT network security and NXT personal security by offering rewards to those who contribute. People are encouraged to create their own bounties and add to existing bounties in the forum of NXT, NXT assets, any cryptocurrencies traded on the Universal Multi-Gateway (currently Bitcoin and Litecoin, but DOGEcoin, Darkcoin, Vericoin, and Bitcoindark are soon to come), or any combination of the three.
DetailsDescriptionSentinelcoin (SentinelC) is an asset issued by Project Sentinel. It differs from NXTSecuritycoin in that it is distributed to those who improve NXT security in different ways. It will be freely distributed to those who:
A) Run nodes with resilience to DoS attacks.
B) Write papers on how to help secure the NXT network or personal funds.
C) Come up with new ideas on how to improve NXT network/personal security.
D) Develop new NXT network/personal security projects.
E) Can hack accounts, explain how they did it, and prove their success in some way. This is under the condition that they do not steal anything from the account they hack.
F) Find previously unknown security flaws in NXT.
G) Find other ways to help secure people's personal funds or the NXT network.
The value of Sentinelcoin will be decided by the community. Some Sentinelcoins may be sold by Project Sentinel in order to maintain itself (e.g. paying for transaction fees).
Asset ID3567062492245394336
Issuing Account ID6588222582139125358
Number Issued (cannot be changed)21,000,000
Number of Decimal Places Supported6
What is Project Sentinel?Project Sentinel is a not-for-profit project I decided to start in order to benefit the NXT Community by rewarding those who contribute to the security of the NXT Network and the security of individuals' accounts. It differs from NXTSecuritycoin in that it rewards things that NSC does not (see description above).
This project is separate from NXTMetals and runs on a separate NXT account to insure that funds don't get intermingled. The only time I will take funds from the Project Sentinel account and send them to my personal account will be to recover the start up cost (1,100) of Project Sentinel. I put in 1,100 NXT (1000 to issue the asset, 100 for initial transactions) and will eventually take it back. If I need to contribute more of my personal funds for start-up, I will but I will also take it back eventually.
I hope that, together, we can make NXT more secure by preventing attacks on the network and theft from the community. Please join me in my effort to make NXT as secure as possible.
Current Bounties!Now for part everyone wants to know! What bounties are there?
Hacking BountiesProject Sentinel will pay white hat hackers to hack NXT accounts. All you have to do is obtain the account's password and transfer 1 NXT to your account as proof of your success. Once you do, you inform your victim that their account has been hacked, you tell them how you did it, and you tell them how to prevent it from happening next time, and you send them their own password as proof. They then forward your message to me (with the account number blocked out or erased) and give me your account number so I can confirm that your account has received 1 NXT from their account. At, their request you must give the 1 NXT back (though they may let you keep it). Once they create a new account, fix their security flaws, and uninstall anything you have slipped into their computer, you will receive your reward.
You must only hack approved victims! All approved victims have given their consent to be hacked in any way and understand the risks!
You must specify the approved victim you wish to hack! If the victim's identity gets stolen or their computer gets broken during the period of your attack, or afterwards, your username, NXT account number (and other known cryptocurrency accounts), and your last known IP address WILL be handed to the authorities! This is to prevent the temptation to do anything malicious and to protect the victims.
Victims will receive your bounty if they can prove that you have directly asked them for their account number! Your bounty will always be higher than theirs as your job is harder so they WILL be motivated to turn you in. If you get caught, we will blacklist your forum accounts, your NXT account, and any accounts you attempt to transfer your NXT to! Don't even think about trying to cheat!
You must be a known hacker in order for the victims to be rewarded with anything! We don't want random people "helping" their friends out by signing up to hack somebody's account and never trying! You will initially be given a month to try and hack them; after that period is up, they will be handed over to another hacker for a month before you will have a chance to try hacking them again.
If a victim gives you hints or hands you their password, report it to me! You will be given the base bounty for that account immediately (+50% if they try to give you their password) for doing so and the victim's forum accounts, NXT accounts (and any account they try to transfer their NXT to), and other known cryptocurrency accounts will be blacklisted!
Accounts are grouped into two categories, high-stakes and low-stakes. High-stakes accounts are accounts with 3,000,000+ NXT or are considered to be greatly beneficial to the NXT community. High-stakes accounts have higher rewards associated with them than low-stakes accounts for successful hacks. The rewards are listed below:
High-Stakes: 30 Sentinelcoins + 1.2*(monthsUnderAttack1)+1.2 Sentinelcoins for every month under attack they stand.
Low-Stakes: 10 Sentinelcoins + 0.4*(monthsUnderAttack1)+0.4 Sentinelcoins for every month under attack they stand.
For a list of approved accounts you can hack, go here: for Having a Secure AccountPeople who register to be hacked also receive Sentinelcoins! Your account must be able to withstand hack attempts! As mentioned above, accounts are split into two categories: high-stakes and low-stakes. High-stakes accounts are accounts that either contain 3,000,000+ NXT or are considered to be greatly beneficial to the NXT community. Each type of account receives different amounts of Sentinelcoins per week they stand under attack. Bounties are listed below:
High-Stakes: 0.3 Sentinelcoins (+0.3 per month under attack) per week under attack.
Low-Stakes: 0.1 Sentinelcoins (+0.1 per month under attack) per week under attack.
If you want to register or get more information go here:!/Article BountiesProject Sentinel is attempting to amass a library of articles on NXT network security and NXT personal security. There are currently 13 bounties set for articles. Most articles don't have to be original or even NXT specific; all you have to do is provide a working link to an article on the requested subject! However, the bounty for articles that are unoriginal or not NXT specific is only 25% of the listed bounty for the article. The other 75% of the bounty will either remain for people who can make an original adaption of the article that is NXT specific or, if the unoriginal article was already NXT specific, will go to the original author. Original, NXT specific articles will be rewarded with the full 100% of the advertised bounty. The catagories of articles we are looking for are listed below:
- General node knowledge
- Iptables knowledge
- SSL verification knowledge
- Router/VPS programming knowledge
- Encryption knowledge
- Password creation and management knowledge
The specifics can be found at the Project Sentinel library page here: DoS Stress Test ProgramAnyone who can build a program to perform DoS stress tests on nodes will be rewarded with 100 Sentinelcoins! Contact me for specifics!