[ANN] Shit Coin Shakers [SCS] - Private Shitcoin Investment Trading Group -4 Slots-
-Attention, please read over carefully-
This isn’t an actual coin. Nor is it a pump and dump group. I’d say it’s more of a small group of traders pooling funds to scout, discuss, accumlate, then dump shitcoins. The two key factors is the pooling of funds (more capital to play with) and having the knowledge to play the market.
With the rate of shitcoins being generated, playing this penny stock game for high returns is easily possible.
Understand were not the whales. A whale has over a thousand #BTC and can pump any market they choose. The type of guys with mining farms to generate their volume for cheap before pumping and dumping on the exchanges.
Our role is more to scout/accumulate and dump with the whale, knowing that this is purely a entry-exit operation.
I’ll only work with people who are serious, have patience, know “the game”, have a bankroll, have interest in getting paid off crypto, don’t fanboy or fall in love with these daily episodes of shit. It’s all about BTC with this group. We play with Alts, but our main goal is to have a high return of BTC at either the end of the day, week, or month.
Don’t confuse this with a pump and dump group. If anything, we ride their coat tail. Were spotting phases of the life-cycle of a coin and capitalizing on it. We don’t hype with twitter bullshit, and we especially don’t leak information. If you talk about what is discussed with members with non-members (even your friend who could use a nice ride up) you’ll be kicked from the group. Our primary concern is OUR return , not to provide charity work for people.
So to recap, this is a limited seat shit-coin investing group. I’m looking for 4 other individuals, to form a 5-person task force. Our funds will be pooled together, and every move is openly discussed with each member. There will be a private chat set up to accommodate all members so they have instant access to one another. We’ll be doing live voice over sessions, and web cam conferences.
.25 BTC my cover fee to work with me
have traded over 6 months / understand the market(s)
are full-time crypting (if you can’t invest 10+ hrs every 2 days please don’t apply
have accounts on all major shit-coin exchanges as well as wallets synced somewhere
are disciplined, capable, and motivated Okay, so its that simple. If you choose to apply, please post past month trading stats/a breif introduction. My identity will remain anonymous until team is formed. We then have 25 BTC together to play with. More volume means higher return. Everything gained is /5. Simple.
Lastly, don’t expect this to be “fun”, well until we get paid. Good trading is never exciting, but actually quite boring, but it beats working a bull-shit job. There is so much money to be made, and this won’t be as lucrative as next year. Looking for 4 others who feel the same way. I don’t know what I went with SCS, “Shit Coin Shakers”, just sounded funny in my head.
Well, thanks and peace!